Chapter 9: The Mellark family

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Chapter 9

Peeta's P.O.V

I stand by the entrance door and waiting for Katniss. Students are flowing out of the school like a river. Everyone just wants to get the hell out of the prison called school. Well everyone but the school dorks who actually likes school. I don't mind school, I don't love it but I don't hate it either.

The guys are also waiting with me. Katniss has her last class with Annie and Clove, and Finnick and Cato are waiting for them. Marvel is waiting because he doesn't have much to do.

"But Hey, come on, tell us!" Cato said.

"Tell you what?" I ask innocently, but I know very well what he means.

Cato as been nagging on me all day to tell them what happened between Katniss and I, and when and how. It's a bit annoying right now actually.

"How and when did you get together? During the slumber party?" Marvel asks.

"No, no, we didn't," I say insulted, they think I'm lying. "We didn't, okay? We ..." it's not worth trying, they will continue nagging on me until I die. "This Saturday after we left Annie's place, satisfied?"

At least I think we did anyway, it could have been yesterday as well, oh what the heck, they don't have to know that, do they?

"Very," Finn said with a grin. "What happened to the shy Peeta who had never dared to kiss Kat?"

"Technicaly I didn't," I say and I get three pair of suspicious eyes at me. "She sort of ... kissed me first."

"So she liked you before," Marvel said with a huge grin.

Now I keep quiet. I won't tell what Katniss told me. No way!

To my relief, the girls comes now, so I don't have a lot of pounding at the moment.

Katniss is walking between Annie and Clove with her arms hooked around their arms. They're smiling at us while talking to each other.

When I see Katniss I become all warm and I feel a smile spreading across my face.

"Hey babe," she says as she breaks lose from Clove and Annie and kisses me.

"Hi, honey," I say back.

"Oh I just can not believe that you are a couple now, OMG, it's so hard to digest," Glimmer babbles when she comes from her own class. "Honestly, you're the cutest thing on earth now, you should have gotten together a long, long time ago and you fit so well together, I can't believe you didn't get together before, and you, you are ..."

"Can someone please press the off button on her?" Katniss asks and everyone starts laughing.

But I agree, sometimes we really think that it should be an off switch on Glimmer. She is this typical girly girl girl who loves clothes, makeup, jewelry, and lovebirds. But she means well, I know that she does, we all know that, that's why we put up with her , plus she's a good friend who always stands up for us, so just because she's a little babbly it's not such a big problem, though it's hard sometimes.

"Shall we go then?" Katniss asks and I take her hand and nods.

"Okay have fun, lovebirds, but not too much fun," Marvel laughs as we walk away and the others laughs.

God, they are so damn annoying sometimes, but I couldn't have wish for better friends than them. And besides friendship has to be a hassle sometimes, you can't just be good, you have to tease as well, it keeps the friendship alive. Or something like that.

When we walk out to my car, an old rusty thing but it works, I take out my car keys.

Katniss P.O.V.

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