Save Me/3/Worries

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Hey readers! How're you liking this so far? I've officially thought of the plot of this story and climax XD You all will probably burst into tears, maybe;) Anyways, I'm also making some G.A Oneshots right now, so progress will be slow for this fanfic, sorry\(T^T)/! But you should check them out. Right now they're fairy tale based like: Cinderella, Rapunzel, etc. Please, check them out sometime!!

 Now, back to this...I also still have a lot of unanswered questions from R.M too, huh? I will answer them in future chapters!!! Or I'll try to remember to answer them... Anyways, enough blabbering...



Anime quote:

"I want you to be happy. I want you to laugh a lot. I don't know what exactly I'll be able to do for you... but I'll always be by your side."

-Kagome (Inuyasha)



"Come play with me, Mika!"

"Ah!" My body stood up quickly and I wipe my head. Water? No... sweat, and it's not even warm in my room. I take a deep breath and turn on the light. Now that I'm awake, I notice my pale skin and decide to get up and get some water. 

Sh-ing... the tap water ran down slowly. I gulp before stopping the knob and chug down the water. Then I choke at the sound of a soft knock.. The liquid drizzles down my chin and cools down my face. My beating heart slows down and I'm finally focused. I can't remember the dream I had... I know that someone was calling me. I shake my head and sit on a chair by the table.

What's today? Oh yeah... its Wednesday.

"Mikan?" Someone knocks on my door and I look at the clock. 1 am...

"..." I get up quietly and look through the hole in the door. A familiar pair of amethyst eyes met my own. Hotaru. "Hotaru... did I wake you?" I whisper, opening the door wider for her to enter.

"Yeah... you sound like Bigfoot." She rolls her eyes, "I saw your light turn on from across the hall."

That's right... Hotaru is now my neighbor. Since I got back, I earned two more stars and now I'm a three star! JinJin finally realized my potential. He's almost like an uncle to me now. Still mean but, he really cares for me.

"Oh..." my mouth formed an 'o'.

"What's wrong?" She eye'd me.

"I had a dream that woke me up." I pursed my lips.

"A dream? You haven't had one since... that time."

"..." I shrugged, "I can't remember the dream, but it got my heart racing really fast and I woke up sweating; not to mention, pale." I brush my hair with my fingers and avoid her heavy gaze on me.

"A nightmare?"

"Yeah, I think so. But the weird thing is... I can't even remember it. Do you think that something is happening again?" My heart speeds up again and my eyes fall to the floor. Since I lost my memory back at Hokkaido, I've had a fear of getting my memory taken from me. I'm fine talking about it but sometimes everyone just avoids it for my good. I'm glad, my friends know I don't like talking about it at all. I'm faced with it everyday. My class is always laughing at the story as if it were a joke. I don't blame them, if I heard the story myself... I'd probably think it was odd too.

"No... because this time you know everything. If something is wrong you'll be able to recognize it." Hotaru squeezes my hand and I clench it.

"T-that's right... I-I... know that. Its... j-just..." too late... tears began to fall to my cheeks and I couldn't help controlling it at all. There's no pretending in front of Hotaru. I press my face to her shoulder to hide my ugly face. I hate showing my ugly face to Hotaru. "I'm afraid." I mumble. "Afraid to forget again."

Save Me[Book 2 of R.M]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя