Save Me/25/Book of Alice

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Sorry for the wait folks!!! Also, thank you to Minatsume for coming up with the idea of the Alice Goddess!!!!!

On with the chapter:

"Maybe there's only a dark road up ahead. But you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars light up your path, even a little bit."

-Miyazono Kaori(Your lie in April)



I sit by the bed of my new room. It's blank with white everything. White walls, white sheets, white curtains, white dresser. The only thing with color is me and the suitcase in the corner.

Yuu intertwines his bony fingers in mine and presses his side as close as he can to me. I stare at my beach view. It's just outside the Academy yet I feel as if I'm on the other side of the world. The air compresses and I suck in the lack of air. I wish more than anything for everything to go back to the way it was before. No, it would have been better if I never met any of them.

There would not have been anymore pain, love, anything.

There would not have been goodbyes.

There would not have been Natsume's resisting crimson hues as he kissed me to sleep.

I turn my head to hide the single tear that has failed to listen and let out the breath that I always unconsciously hold in. I did this for them, I remind myself, they will be safe, they will be happy, they will no longer have to worry about me. I will no longer be a burden. As much as I say it, it always gets to me and soon.... I'm left with a broken heart and a weak mind. Almost like I'm drunk.

At this moment, I want more than anything to die. 

Then I start to wonder...

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you died? If anyone would ever notice the presence of the you that used to be there? I wonder if anyone noticed that I had left and if it left them curious as to where I went. I know for sure that my friends have noticed. But what of everyone else?

To be needed is the only thing that everyone needs.

For if no one needed me then I would be lost.

"Mikan..." Yuu kisses me and I cry silently until its over.


I pull my hair back into a braid that trails down my back. I haven't cut it in ages. I wonder what Natsume would say about that? Of cutting it. He'd probably frown because he claimed to have wanted my hair long and down from its pigtails when we were younger.

Now, I feel so disgusted brushing it through with my fingers since it's been touched by Yuu. It's not like I can resist him because he is the son of my enemy. If I were to strike back, he'd kill everyone in an instant. Joshua is strong, so I cannot underestimate him. 

After dressing out in my combat outfit I take the time to go out and explore the camp. All the allies here have their own department. Lucky for me that they had an empty one, or else I would have to have shared with Yuu.

I notice the lack of noise here. They all must be on missions I suppose but that would be absurd. Why aren't they talking among themselves on how to destroy the academy or something? That's probably not their intention but this doesn't make any sense.

"Mikan?" I whip my head back and come face to face with a boy my age. I let out a heavy breath, thank goodness its not Yuu.

"Yes? How do you know my-"

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