Save Me/14/R.P.G

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1.Safe and Sound-2

2.Sweater Weather-0



If you're wondering why we are having this, it's because I want Mikan to sing one of them.


Anime Quote:

"You're lonely but you've been pretending to be strong!!"

-Tohru Honda(Fruits Basket)


In the Special Ability class... Let the R.P.G begin!

"Welcome! Let's review the rules: You may use your Alice but you cannot hurt anyone. If you pass every challenge, you win the complete control of the person of your choice. They must be in the class and you get only one person. To begin, you are given one useful tool that can be used. Ready.... begin!" Tsubasa announced and the line began to form before him.

Each person takes their time to enter the Grand opening of what looks like a fort. Huge walls are produced from a young boy who joined Alice Academy a year ago. This year, the challenges are different and more... well challenging. Many students as well as teachers, have decided to play this fun one-of-a kind game.

Many of Mikan's friends have come to enjoy teasing Mikan and having fun with the challenges at the same time.

"A... flower? The objects get weirder each time." Koko whines as he stuffs it in his pocket.

"I got a bucket." Sumire hits Koko and he rubs it with a look of disgust.

"Yeah well... you're not allowed to hit anyone with it." He stuck his tongue out in a frivolous manner.

The couple proceeded and later split up because of the cynical moving walls.

"Koko?! Where'd you go...?" Sumire squealed as the room darkened. "Hello? Anyone there?" She yelled and soon enough the room was dark enough that it was the same as closing your eyes.

"Welcome to your first challenge." Whispered a voice.

Sumire glanced around but nothing seemed to pot at her. No light, smell or a sign of a living thing. She used her Alice to smell but all there was to it, was nothing.

"The challenge is.. find me." She looked around and got on her hands and sniffed the ground. As embarrassing as it seemed, this was a challenge. Who could say no to a challenge?

"Your Alice... what is it? If you don't mind me asking..." She wondered out loud.

"I can manipulate two of your senses."

Her whiskers twitched in annoyance as she thought in silence. All I have is a bucket and my Alice. What can I do to find him.

Time was ticking.... this was indeed a hard challenge


Meanwhile, Koko dragged his feet. He felt awful leaving his girlfriend behind. He wasn't even that far from her.

The last thing he remembers is bumping into a wall.

"Kokoroyomi! You will not get past me!!" A voice muffles through a speaker up ahead. Koko's ears flinch and so he looks fro the owner of the voice. It sounds familiar. The wall closes behind him. He notices he is a conference-shaped room.

Save Me[Book 2 of R.M]Where stories live. Discover now