Save Me/34/Cherry Blossoms fall

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"Even if everyone else hates the wolf... I'll take the wolf's side"

-Hana(Wolf children)



"Imai. We're here." I say, knocking on her door. The door creaks and the wind blows through the window. Nothing. "Imai?" I look at Yuzuru and he has the same blank expression I do.

"She texted me a minute ago." He shakes his head, "She won't answer the phone!"

"Call Ruka." I tell him and go inside but there's no trace of her anywhere. Papers are scattered everywhere and pieces of metal broken on the floor. The window is smashed.

Someone has messed up the entire room. The furniture are all misplaced.

I look up a the corner. The camera is smashed.

Imai? Where did you go?



I shift in my shoes and look around, waiting for him to show up. Nothing. What's taking him so long??

"Mi... Rin!!" He says waving his arms around like a fool.

I pull him into my room and close the door behind me. "Listen. I did some research yesterday. Do you happen to know the story about Alice?"

"Did you forget about Izaya. I was there remember?"

"Do you know anything more?"

"What's with you. I thought I told you to leave it to me." He says with fierce eyes. "You can be quiet noisy you know?"

"I talked to Joshua." I say and look up at the cameras. It's a good thing that they are only visual. They can't hear a word we're saying, plus Hotaru tinkered with the cameras so she can control them.

But I still have a bad feeling about talking here with Takumi.

"Actually... come with me." I pull him towards the Cherry blossom trees where it's camera free. "Do you know who the son of Alice is?"

"I don't know much. It's pretty much said in her journal."

"No! There's something we don't know. Who is he? Akito Todoroki? Where can we find him?"

"He's dead by now. It's been years since Alice has died." He argues. I shake my head.

"She may be dead but she gave him the longevity stone! He's alive!! We need to find him to know more. He'll definitely help us to find the Revival Alice!! Then we can use that against Joshua and he'll finally return the Alices' to their rightful owners!"

"Listen to me, Rin!" He grabs my face so close. "Whoever the son is probably doesn't even know what this is all about. We don't even know if he's alive anymore. And lastly... it's not like anyone will help us."

Tears fall from my eyes. "But... we have to do something-"

"I told you to listen to me." He presses his forehead to my own, "We will save everyone. I have a plan and that is to go along with Joshua. After you perform that song for everyone we will commence my own plan. Is that clear?"

"I just don't want to hurt anybody." I say under my breath. He smiles sadly.

"That's impossible. Somebody is going to get hurt but we have to try our best to minimize it. Alright?"


I hear birds chirp loudly. They fly around frantically.

A cherry blossom falls and crumples to dust.

Save Me[Book 2 of R.M]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin