Save Me/58/Us

304 9 14

Final Chapter. Sorry I feel like I owe this to you guys since I haven't updated and there were so many plot holes:/

"You are the person I'll never stop looking for in a crowded place."



Mikan sits up rapidly with huffs of air pouring out of her lungs and hair stuck to her neck. Her hands grip the bars of her bed as her eyes blink. They focus on her plain sheets.

"Hey..." Natsume touched the small of her back slightly and gently as to not startle her. "I'm here." He reminds her.

He doesn't ask her if she's okay because he knows.

"..." She doesn't cry. She doesn't look at him until she swallows hard and leans into him, "A-a flashback."

He rubs her back and brushes the loose strands of her bangs behind her ear with his other hand. "Tell me about it."

She bites her lip and shivers, "I-I don't remember." Her voice is small as she mutters the words.

Natsume presses his temple to hers, "It's alright." 

Mikan's lips tighten into a line, "I just remembered some things... someone was touching my hair and someone else was hurting me."

He wraps his arms around her head and whispers sweet nothings into her ear. He tells her that it was nothing but a nightmare and a lie. She doesn't need to worry because he'll always protect her.

She looks up at him with a small smile and tears in the corner of her eyes, "As will I."

The sun peeks over the hill and a ray of light leeks into their room.

The clock ticks and the rain stops just then.

"It's been so long." Natsume mumbles as he looks out the window, "Since that time." Mikan doesn't like to talk about it.

"But you know. I think that its made us braver. The things we don't like often make us stronger. It's like a test you know?"

She frowns, "I hate tests."

"You were never good at them were you?"

"Because I hated them."

"I didn't like them and I was good at them."

"Shut-up." She pouts as Natsume laughs, pulling her closer to him to peck her lips. She shoves him playfully and leans into him.

"Are you feeling better?" he whispers as if someone else was there too. "Because I know what will make you feel better."

Mikan blushes, "I'm fine Natsume."

"Oh, so you don't want pancakes?"

She shoves him and throws the sheets over his head. He groans in annoyance but follows after her. Before she pulls on a shirt he wraps his arms around her from the back. "Where's my good morning kiss?"

"You already got it." Mikan grunts as she tries to pull away. "Now...."

Natsume chuckles as she struggles against his kiss.

She takes in a large breath, "Stop with the long kisses. I can't breathe! Now... let's go eat pancakes."

He shakes his head, a grin plastered on his face, "Long kisses are the only kisses I do Polka." He winks.

Mikan sighs as she ties her hair in a high ponytail. "How old are you again?"

"Never too old for kisses." He pecks her forehead as he wraps an arm around her waist in a tight embrace.

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