Save Me/23/Stars

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Has anyone watched Doganronpa Future Ark? My ship has officially died and so have I(T^T)


Anime Quote:

"Hanging in there, living... is the toughest thing there is."

-Naruse Kakeru(Orange)



Her voice rings in my ears.

"We're here to save you."

It's not the first time someone has said that to me and it probably won't be the last. But it always leaves me feeling funny... Almost like I never want to hear that again.

If anything, I want to be the one who says that. I want to save everyone so that all can be happy again. I hate being vulnerable and stupid. I hate depending on others.

"What?" I hear myself speak. It doesn't sound like me but in this moment... I'm not happy. "Sana-chan... who are you?"

"I told you... I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

I stand up and turn in the opposite direction. I know where I'm heading but my feet won't stop and my hands clench at my skirt. I want to dig a hole and die in it, maybe then I'll stop being vulnerable and stupid.

When I was little, I made many friends and my Jicchan was annoyed because I always brought one home. We'd laugh and talk all night long and then go our separate ways. He thought it weird for me to do such a thing. 

Maybe I was sad all this time and maybe I never really got over it. No one was really there for me when I needed someone and I didn't exactly have a place where I was needed. Everyone had a role to play in this world and I hadn't found mine.

I still don't and...

There's no end to that sentence.

"Mikan?" He calls me, strained and pained at the same time. I don't smile, I don't laugh, I don't say anything. I'm mad and I don't know why... "Where are you going?"

It's Natsume, he's concerned. I can tell because of his eyebrows which have arched over his eyes in a pained expression.

I stay where I am and he comes closer, I bow my head down. My throat hurts.



His hand brushes my cheek and it stays there.

"Natsume... do you love me?" I ask him and he laughs a little. "No... really." my voice snaps.

"Yes, I love you." He says without any hesitation. "What's wrong?"

"I love you too." my voice cracks but I let go and brush my lips against his for a split second then I back away from his hand and I turn away. I run and I leave him there. His face completely blank. He's oblivious and it almost makes me turn back. I run until I get there and my lungs start to die but I keep on breathing to make it stop. I wipe my eyes dry so that I don't look like I had just gone through something. It's done... I feel better but my heart is dying on me and I don't have much time left. I can feel it and it hurts but it also feels good.


"I was expecting to see you. It feels awesome when you're right, doesn't it?" His cold tone sends shivers down my spine but I stand there, huffing with a frown on my face. He smiles as if he knows what I'm about to do.

"You're the one behind all the kidnappings." I state.

"I think I've already clarified that with you. Why? Do you have a problem with it?"

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