Save Me/48/Kill

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Anime Quote:

"Being away from everyone else may be lonely, but being away from you will be even lonelier."

-Tohru Honda(Fruits Basket)


Previously on Save Me...

I'm almost willingly able to give up my life for my friends when he aims his gun at Youichi. "I told you once... that you had to make a choice in your life and now its finally come to this."

"NO..." He stands by his side. Joshua has the craziest look in his eyes but his hands shake even more than mine do. He aims the gun at Youichi's head.

"I won't shoot him if you do one thing for me."

I shake my head. I shake it so furiously.

"If you want your friends to live, you have to make a choice here and now..." He nods his head at the pistol in front of my feet and then shakes his gun at Natsume. "Kill him."

Mikan looks back in horror. Natsume meets her eyes briefly and he bites his lip.

[What's going on...? Are you okay...?] Are surely the words he's conveying to her.

She swallows hard and and looks down while holding her hands in fists. She feels the blood pressure rise to her head.

All the while, she shakes her head.

Why hadn't she thought of a possibility just like this happening?

Only it has happened to her. She once had to choose to give up the school or give herself to the previous E.S.P, Kuonji. She had no choice but to give herself up, but this is completely different.

Friends or Friend?

One would think that a single life... that sacrificing one life couldn't compare to multiple lives. In this case... it would mean everything if anyone would lose their life.

He's not even referring to her friends but Natsume and Youichi.

Natsume or...


She hears tranquilizer darts fly around her and hitting the Hunters.  The Hunters either fight or fall in the hands of Kazumi's allies. Her friends are standing by fighting them and making their way through to her. The guns Joshua dropped are still at her feet.

What should I do? She pulls on her hair and her lips quiver as the world spins around. She bends down and takes the silver pistol in her hand. It feels cold and smooth in her hand... like a pearl. She's never once held a gun in her hand.

It doesn't feel good at all knowing that you could end a person's life in a single trigger, a single movement... 

Mikan can feel her stomach shift.

By now, in the lab she can see the rest of her friends: Koko, Sumire, and her sempais. They're fighting as well and she knows now that their Alices are indeed gone as Joshua claimed.

All because of her.

She wipes the sweat that drips from her face and adjusts the gun. She holds it up without placing her index finger on the trigger.

"It's too bad, Youichi is such a kind boy. He came to me knowing he'd die but did it anyways in exchange for your life. How sweet." His eyes twitch in anxiousness. He's watching her every move and shaking from head to toe. "All I wanted was to revive my mother and possess all the Alices in the world... that way nothing will ever happen to me again."

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