Save Me/13/Nightmare

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Plz vote!!! If I don't get enough, I'll pick a song that isn't on this list:(  

1.Safe and Sound-1

2.Sweater Weather-0




Watch out Readers, this chapter is intense:P

Anime quote:

"We all have our scars from loving someone too deeply, from wanting to protect someone too much."

-Tachibana Mei(Say I love you).



"Mika!!" A little boy is tied to a pole. He's struggling to free himself. I can't recognize him but he calls out to someone.

Is he calling out to me?

"P-Please... don't do it!! He's controlling you!" His grayish blue eyes swim in fear and beg for help.

I feel a heavy weight coming from my hands and I decide to look down. My hands... they grip a silver pistol.

When did that...?

"..." He shakes so hard; he's trying to break free and I feel an uncertain sadness.

Then without my control, I lift my hands up. My chest closes and I stop breathing altogether. I try to stop, to pull my hands down but its too heavy! Too heavy to pull down! My head starts to hurt and sweat badly.

"No! Help me!! Help me Mika! Help me!" he begs and I try to tell him, 'I'm trying!' and 'I can't control it' but the words won't come out. "You have to stop him!!"

It's dark, it's cold, it's moldy in here and I don't remember who I am or what I'm doing here for. But I know this boy.... but I also don't remember him.

Tears fall from my eyes and drop to my chin. They taste salty and warm.

"He's been using you! He wants your Alice! Don't listen to him! You, you have to listen to me!" He cries and repeats over and over again. He pulls against the chains and makes lots of noise. The boy's face is stained with dirt and tears. He's been here for a long time and he needs my help. I want to help him, to talk to him, but my hands are shaking; they're turning purple from the lack of circulation.

I can't even move my own body and my eyes can barely see; everything is blurry. I can't relax my shoulders, I can't breathe in air, I can't pull my hands by my sides, I can't stop shaking....

I can't do anything!

"...Mmph!" I manage to croak from my sore throat.

Then my right index finger curls around the trigger.

All my head feels is heaviness and heat, I fear that I will end up fainting. That would be good, because anything is good. Anything to avoid this situation.

Everything goes quiet, I can't hear the wind, the wild screams of the little boy, the clinking of my ring against the gun. It's almost as if this were a movie on mute. A world without sound.

A terrible nightmare.

I start to sob because I'm starting to drift away. I can feel my body beginning to lose against him. Without even knowing who he is.

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