Save Me/8/Bad Feeling

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Sorry I didn't edit this chapter yet:/ I was too busy over the weekend...

Anime quote

"It was like you brought color to my life. You changed my life, all by yourself."

-Sawako Kuronuma(Kimi ni Todoke)



I woke up with a creak in my back and I didn't have a good feeling. Since yesterday, the ring has turned continuously in my pocket.

I don't know when I should ask her but I'm eager to do so. I really just want to hold her in my arms when she tells me 'yes'.

But my head hurts just thinking of the latter. Ruka knew and refused to let me know. I don't want to admit it but I'm afraid Mikan isn't going to say 'yes'.

"Hyuuga-kun. Please take a seat." I didn't even notice I changed my clothes and headed straight to class.

I am really messed up right now. Its all because of Polka.

"..." I slump in my seat and lean on my hand, with my elbow on the desk. I stare out the window since my seat is on the far side of the class next to the windows.

Before, the Dangerous Ability didn't even have a classroom. It was more like a pitch black room were you could just sit anywhere. Now it's like nothing ever happened here. No blood from the physical abuse Persona and E.S.P gave us lingers on the tile floor. It's as sparkly as when I first arrived at the Academy.

That's how much this school has changed in the last couple of months.

"Now that I have finished assigning your roles for the Haunted House, it will be posted on the board." Shiki bluntly says. Does this guy ever smile?

Whatever. He's okay.

"Natsume!!! You got the role of Dracula!" A boy I don't know, points at the board. I shrug and continue to stare out the window.

Our tree has finally bloomed since we came here. I can finally go up on the trees without worrying about anyone spotting me.

"Yo, Shiki. Can I go?"

He nods as he continues to write on the chalkboard. It's like we have some kind of mutual agreement and that's one of the reasons why I don't hate him like every teacher at this stupid school.

Oh well... I do have to be an adult to marry Mikan anyways. So I guess I have no choice but to stay in this school until that day comes.

I quickly walk to our tree and jump up. I place my arms behind my back and close my eyes. A nice cool breeze washes over me. As you take your time, time itself feels slow. Even with Mikan, time feels as slow as a snail, like it stopped. I wish I could be with her in class. Then I could protect her while teasing her. I could hold her in my arms and pull out of class when the teacher isn't looking. But since I'm not, the only thing I can do is watch her from this tree.

I see her as she talks to that guy and laughs; her grin reaching her eyes. And when I look at Yuzuru, he has the same expression, but in silence. I want to hurt him so badly but there's nothing I can do. He's harmless right now. When he does decide to do something. I swear... I'll end him. Since he doesn't have the guts to touch Mikan in front to of me, I'll keep my calm and watch from a distance.

A branch snaps near me and I whip my head in that direction. Narumi in his usual flamboyant outfit and... a strange looking man.

He seems oddly familiar....

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