Save Me/44/Son

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Anime Quote:

"I don't want to believe it's hopeless or useless to love someone."

-Sakishima Hikari(Nagi no Asukara)


Natsume widens his eyes, "Heh... What?"

"I don't know what to tell you first." Mitsuru says formally, "Let's start here. I am from the future."

Ruka and Natsume look at each other then back at Mitsuru. After all they'd been through, this seemed little in comparison. Somehow they suspected as much.

"I came here to warn you about Mikan Sakura... about her death in fact."

Natsume's face turns grim in color, "She's dead in the future." He concludes and Mitsuru nods, continuing.

"Yes, my... uh... cousins decided to prevent the events leading up to it but when we came here everything was already moving much faster then we expected. We tried to warn you various times Natsume. Do you remember that one time with those masked people that came to visit you one night? The white cat and the rabbit?" It's the first time that he's called him by name but he pays no attention to that.

"That was you?!" Natsume blurted but as soon as he's said it he frowns, I knew it!!

"At the time we thought that her death had some relation to you but that isn't exactly historically accurate at all. We just blamed you the whole time because of..." He trails off, "We'll leave that for last."

"Alright then..." Ruka begins, "If you're a Hyuuga... does that mean that your cousins are too?"

"No... their surnames are different from mine. We're not even related by blood." he stops to look at Ruka with an uncomfortable glance, "Their surnames are... Nogi."

Ruka is taken aback, "And... the little girl that looks like Sakura?"

Mitsuru rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment, "She's my little sister."

Natsume can't wait anymore, "Then what's your relation to us? If you're from the future and your 'cousins' and sister are somehow related to us... then what does that mean?"

"I..." He closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath, "Just listen okay? It will sound hard to believe but I want you to believe everything I'm about to say to you okay? I'm going to tell you the whole story starting from the beginning."

So he does and he starts to tell a story from a third person's point of view


"I'm home..." Mitsuru says as he closes the door behind him. Nothing comes back but the sound of someone talking on television. "Have you eaten?" He mumbles to the person sitting on the couch. From the empty bottles on the stand next to him, Mitsuru can tell that he hasn't done a single darn thing but drink all day again, "Hey..." He taps his shoulder but the man only glances at him then returns to the screen. "You need to eat!" He growls but the man makes no movement. He sighs and takes a big gulp.

At first he never came home, he only spent his days working but as soon as his son got a job of his own, he spent his days drinking in front of the T.V without talking to either one of his children. His son gave up on him the very day of his mother's funeral but his sister... as she grew... tried even harder to bring him back each day.

"Papa!!" She'd tug at his empty hand, "I got a perfect score on my test today. Look!!" So he would but make no form of acknowledgement towards his daughter, who despite his behavior loves him dearly. Maybe its because she has the face of her mother that he chooses to ignore her presence.

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