Save Me/43/Trapped

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Anime Quote:

"It's not the face that makes someone a monster... it's the choices they make with their life."

-Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)


For a moment, the world is still because there are so many things happening at once.

Kazumi observes each situation carefully, he wants to be out there to protect his niece but he has to stay here with Shiki to lead the groups. If push comes to shove then they will have to go out there and completely rampage.

Even so, Kazumi can't help feeling anxious and powerless. All he has is the longevity Alice, nothing more.

"..." He sighs as he looks through Nobara's camera. "This doesn't look good."

"This couldn't be the Alice? The Forbidden Alice that has long been destroyed ages ago?" Shiki frowns and immediately zooms in on what's happening. They can't hear a thing but they know that Joshua is shouting and Mikan is motionless.

"..." Kazumi groans and clenches his hands tightly. "Mikan... she..." They look at each other. "This Alice was supposed to be banished years ago. If we don't do something soon..."

"Call in reinforcements." Shiki mumbles into his earpiece. "All reinforcements. Alice-users will not be able to go near her."

They stop and everything seems to slow down on them.

"Kazumi-san? Shiki-san?" Nobara's voice shakes. "It's not that important right now but my... my Alice is completely gone... I can't use it at all..."

"It's started... Quickly before all Alices disappear..." Shiki gets up and immediately tries to teleport but it doesn't work. "I can't teleport." He throws his fist in the wall and Kazumi looks back at the camera.

"Mikan... She needs help." He mutters and immediately runs off out of room into the woods.


"Answer me. What the heck did you do to me?!" Joshua has pulled Mikan's unconscious and limp body out of the chair. His face is completely red in anger and resentment. "What did you do?!"

Mikan can barely keep her eyes open. For some reason... an unusual sensation tickles her body and her head starts to burn up but Joshua continues to thrash her weak body against the wall.

"FATHER!!" Yuu pulls on his father's sleeves to stop him.

He shoves him back and Yuu falls to the ground with wide eyes. "YOU'LL KILL HER!!"

"So what?" He laughs as he lets MIkan slip to the floor. She groans. "She just managed to take away years worth of hunting and she even completely took all of my blood brands as well... She's no goddess... she's a witch. We'll burn her when we're done."

Fear flashes across his eyes. He tries to reason but panic takes over, "Y-you can't... we don't even have time for that!! The Hunters have contacted me saying they lost their Alices too and that they're heading back here!!" He shows him a watch that flashes every couple seconds. "Even Natsume and the rest are coming!!" His eyes close in desperation.

"That can't be..." Joshua looks back at Mikan who's started to shake on the floor. "What exactly did you do, girl?"

They look at her for minutes but she never responds and so Joshua drags her by the arms and takes her down the hall.

"Where are you taking her?!" Yuu yells holding on to her feet to stop Joshua from dragging her.

"The lab, why don't you let go now?!" He says through clenched teeth. "We need to extract the Alice out of her system and kill her now!!!!"

"No!!" Yuu holds her back and tries to activate his brands but they don't work at all. They're completely gone... the emblems are not even there anymore. "I LOVE HER!!" He finally blurts but Joshua doesn't care.

"Either you do as I say or you will die too." He screams. "You mean nothing to me."

Before he can say anymore, he is slammed to the ground and his head begins to bleed. He doesn't move but he still breathes.

Yuu stares at him, then looks around, and finally down at Mikan but she hasn't moved at all since Joshua lost his Alice Brands.

"Who's there...?" He trembles, holding Mikan close. He's crying now and trying to wake her up.

Nobara materializes out of thin air and the Alice stones disappear. "They're gone now... at least it gave me some time to knock him out." She explains but has a very unhappy expression on her face as she takes in Yuu and a very beaten Mikan. "What have you done?"

Yuu slowly lifts Mikan in his arms and places her on a table. "I just wanted her for myself..." He muttered sadly. His eyes fading back into their original color.

Was he being controlled? Nobara glares at him. "How could you? If you really loved her than why did you let this happen to her?" She approaches Mikan and caresses her cheeks. "Mikan-chan??"

Yuu stands to the side and looks back at his hands. How dirty they are. All because of his greed and lust. His yearning for something unreachable.

He breaks down before Mikan and hits the ground with his fists, "I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry!!"

Nobara pays no attention to him, she tries to find a sign that Mikan is still alive. The only thing reassuring is that she's still breathing only it gets heavier each passing second.

"She needs to be taken to a hospital!!" Nobara lifts her over, giving her a piggy-back ride and looks around, "Now!!"

Yuu gets up, "There's a lab!! We can give her a Healing Brand."

Nobara hesitates. "How do we know it will work? Something's wrong with the Alices' right?"

Yuu shakes his head, "We don't have time to think about that, let's just try!"

So Nobara follows Yuu towards the lab. As they walk in, Nobara gags at the smell. The smell of rotting bodies. There are bodies everywhere and she can't tell if they're dead or unconscious. Many of them have someone by their side taking out blood samples and injecting unusual looking fluids into their veins.

"What is this...?" Tears pour out of her eyes. A conflicted feeling crosses her mind. She wants to save Mikan but... 

"We don't have time, we need to put her down on a bed and apply the brand to her arm."

She shakes her head and decides not to. "I can't do this and Mikan-chan wouldn't want to do this either. It's wrong Tobita, we can't do this!!!"

His expression darkens, "She's going to die!!! Do we really have time to think of morals?"

Her eyebrows lower in anger, "Think about what you're doing. If you were in Mikan-chan's position... would you want to do this?!!"

The Hunters look back at them and Nobara's face turns pale. The lab is huge so there are about 10 Hunters in here and there is only Nobara. She speaks into her mic, "Requesting Back-up immediately!!!!" Then she turns around to run out the door but she finds to be surrounded. "Tobita... I thought you were on our side this time!!"

His brown eyes glaze over and fade, "I just want to save her. Nothing else... why don't you put her down before anything gets out of hand?"

The tone of his voice sends chills down Nobara's spine. She holds onto Mikan's legs tightly and then sprints as fast as she can towards an opening. What she sees next completely stops her in her tracks.

That can't be...

"You... ichi...?"

His body is completely covered in chains with only his head exposed, he doesn't move, or look ahead of him. The room he's in looks like a prison cell and completely moldy and unsanitary. There are charts and machines everywhere. He's on the floor and his body is completely pale and sweaty.

"Youichi??!" Nobara feels herself get tackled down and handcuffed,

"What have you done to Youichi??? He's not moving!! He's not... He's just a child!!! LET HIM GO!!! LET ME... AGH... STOP IT!!! HOW DARE YOU?!!!"

All you can hear in that lab are the desperate screams of Nobara.

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