Save Me/47/Devil's Alice

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Anime Quote:

"Accept that your life will be painful, bite back your grief and find the power to stand again."

-Nakiami(Bounen no Zanned)


Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

The machines are the only thing she can hear in the empty space. It sounds like a bomb ticking away. Like their life is about to end. She tries to remember the last happy moment, to stay calm. Nothing comes to mind. Mikan lifts her head from her hands and looks around. At first, its like a movie on mute. Then slowly she notices there's something different about this scene.

Their eyes meet for a moment. Just like that dream she had. His eyes are tender and soft; then they flash in horror.

Her eyes water and her lips tremble. She never wanted it to be this way. She wanted to avoid this. If anything, all Mikan wanted was to spare their lives... no matter what the cost.

She slowly gets up and walks to Joshua. She tunes out the voices of her friends and ignores the sound of the bullets being placed in the rifle.

"Stop right there or I'll shoot." Joshua laughs alongside the other Hunters.


"Just shoot me already." I sigh, "I've had enough."

Sometimes its too painful to live like this. the world is a cruel place and I'm tired of it.

One moment... your laughing away and the next the tears pour like a rainstorm on a sunny day.

"Mikan!!!" Natsume calls out painfully, "NO!!" he's being pulled back by Ruka. I give him a nod and turn back to Joshua.

His eyes bleed into mine. "Are you serious? I'm not joking." He's clearly not amused by my giving up.

"Neither am I." I take slow steps and finally press my forehead to the nose of the gun and close my eyes. "End my misery."

Instead of pulling the trigger, he shakes under the pressure.

He's hesitating and that's when I know that this is the right moment to speak up because I've got enough clues to make an assumption. Even if it is wrong in the end... at least I tried.

"Your mother was a very sad woman wasn't she? Her childhood was not something to be proud of."

It takes him by surprise and I know now that it's true. His eyes say it all.

"In fact... her parents got divorced and her mother was afraid that her daughter was crazy."

It's hard to remember all the details from her diary but I remember the most vivid ones.

"W-what?" He's completely stopped smiling. he's sweating buckets. He knows that I know.

"Don't play dumb. I bet your Hunters know nothing of it. They don't know a thing! You've probably been telling them all kinds of lies. The promise of immortality, all the Alice's you can have, superiority... anything they desire. You have been planting false seeds in their heads when all they'll ever grow up to be are dirty, stinky, flower-killing weeds!!!"

"What the heck is she talking about boss?!" A boy elbows him and he panics,

"I don't know-!"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." It's throwing him off but he refuses to lose so he takes out his pistol and shoots my leg. "AGHHHH!!" I go down to my knees and look at the wound. He just barely grazed it... but it still hurts. "Ah... hahahaha... you told them that they'd get all the Alices they desired and they followed you because they though that you were trying to avenge your sad self. 'Oh... I'm tired of people looking down on me because I don't have an Alice', right? They don't even know that you do in fact have an Alice... and that your not trying to redeem yourself... you're trying to revive your mother. Do you guys even know who his mother is?"

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