Save Me/12/Unexpected Visitors

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Anime quote:

"It's alright. I can stand up again all by myself. Even if I'm all alone.... I will survive."

-Aisaka Taiga(Toradora)



Sometimes, the world seems to be my own. Where it's all my point of view. Whatever I do... is like it's already planned for me. Like this is my story or I'm in a movie. Then when I die, I'll wake up as another person and start again, without knowing how things are. Without knowing to start again.

All I know is that I'll never meet Mikan again, I don't think I can believe I could meet her in another life. I'm scared that if she leaves me, than I'll never have her by my side ever again. That her abandonment will be the death of me and that will be it. That will be the end.

"Natsume. Sakura's class is doing that R.P.G again. Wanna join us?" Ruka pokes my cheek and makes me blink repeatedly. He looks at me; worried. Maybe it's because Takumi Yuzuru is by Imai's side. They're admiring, what looks like a piece of junk to me but is really a piece of metal. Imai is so engrossed into her conversation with Yuzuru that she seems to ignore the presence of Ruka and I.

"Yeah." I finally respond and brush the hair out of my eyes. We're sitting out by some store that Ruka wanted to visit. The sun beams out at my eyes and I have to use my hands as a roof to look ahead of me where Imai and Yuzuru start to walk far beyond us.

"What do you think?" He suddenly asks out of the blue. I narrow my eyes and think.

"Huh?"the word blurts out of my mouth and he shakes his head as if realizing he doesn't make sense.

"What do you think of the Yuzuru's?"

And it takes me a while to come up with a response. This is because I don't really know what to think of them. They seem harmless to me when it comes to Mikan but it seems they have a profound hatred for me. I can see it in their eyes. No one has noticed but Takumi ignores my very existence. I've tried to talk to him but he only really talks to me when other people are around.

"I don't know what to think of them." I repeat the thought that's in my mind. I have to be careful of what to say to Ruka or to anyone in general. Since the Yuzuru's hold something against me, than I have to keep my friends out of it. For all I know, they're only here for me.

"Well... Yuzuru-san won't lay his hands away from Imai. It's really getting on my nerves. I'm tempted to send an eagle to pick him up for me and take him somewhere far, far away." We both laugh but mine sounds hollow. I start to walk ahead of him and cause him to jog to catch up to me.

"I could use one of those too, if you don't mind." I joke and Ruka smiles. "It doesn't look like he's interested in Imai, it just looks like he's teasing you." I reassure Ruka and he sighs, tick marks appearing at the top of his forehead in annoyance. He shakes his head.

"He hasn't even talked to me once."

"Did you do something he doesn't like?" I stare at him but he simply puts it aside.

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