Save Me/20/New Girl

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Hi everyone\(-.-)/ I recently went on a trip to Mexico!! Sorry for all the late updates I've done:( I'll try to keep up with updating soon.(And whenever I feel like it:)Well this story will have a lot of drama going on, so I hope you can cope with it:/ As you can see... I put in my feelings in here. I just dump all my troubles and depressing stuff into my fanfics. Yep... sorry you have to deal with it when reading and sometimes it can be a bit unpleasant. Sorry for that, I hope you find it as something you can relate to... That's all:) Oh, and try reading my new fanfics: Our Promise and the other one: Third Wheel. I hope you like them!


-Love Nibbles-is-cuteXD


Anime quote:

"No matter how harsh the world is, you'll find reasons to keep on smiling, if you keep on living."

-Bellemere(One Piece)



I remembered when I was little, that I loved to sit in a field of flowers and talk to Hotaru about many things. She'd ignore me and read some book that was too boring for me but we'd continue to bathe in the peaceful sun. The wind would gently blow over us and it'd feel nice. That was before we entered Alice Academy.

Now, we're here. We're older and we barely spend time together.

"Sakura-san?" I brush leaves off my legs and stare below me, it's barely the crack of dawn yet I spot Hotaru's twin, Kaori Yuzuru. I decided I couldn't go back to bed anymore so I went for a stroll. Kaori gazes at me with a kind expression. It brings relief to me knowing she shares the same admirable qualities as Hotaru herself. The only difference is that she isn't as cold as she is, and it looks like she doesn't take pictures like Hotaru likes to.

"Hello~!" I slump down next to her and glance over my shoulder. We're sitting in a field of flowers. We're hidden in the Sakura Trees. "Whatcha doin'?" I grin with closed eyes.

"I... I'm doodling." She says with a hint of blush invading her cheeks. She pulls a strand of hair behind her ear. She holds a pencil in her hand and a sketch book in the other. She's outlining the face of a girl, it seems.

"Wow, you're really amazing." My eye's sparkle in satisfaction. My friends sure are amazing! "I didn't know you were good at drawing..."

"It's a hobby of mine."

"That's nice. I think Ruka is good at drawing... I don't really remember. Do you like taking photos?" I ask, wiggling my brows.

"Naw... Takumi does though..." She hums as she begins the hair.

"Who are you drawing? It's a girl right?" I slap my mouth, maybe I'm asking too much questions but Kaori smiles kindly as she shades the face.


My face slowly glows in happiness as I pose ridiculously like a super model, "Then, should I pose like this?"

"Pft~! Sakura-san... you're too funny..." She giggles. I sit there, smiling like a fool until she finishes.

And it looks like me.

"It's beautiful. You are really good, really really good." I boast as I admire it from different angles. "Could you have the Art Alice?" I say, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Nope. I don't have the Art Alice." She smiles.

"Aw, I could've sworn it was..." I pout as I look around. I spot a bunny behind Kaori that I squeal. "Be calm! There's a cute bunny behind you." I mouth the words to her. She grins as she turns and picks up the bunny.

Save Me[Book 2 of R.M]Where stories live. Discover now