Save Me/35/Confession

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Anime Quote:

"No matter how far you fly, you'll remain the most treasured person in the world to me."

-Kuran Kaname (Vampire Knight)



"IMAI!!!" I yell. Ruka yells after me and his birds come flying down. They chirp anxiously at him.

"She's not over the walls of the academy..." he mutters.

Yuzuru runs back with sweat running down his face; he shakes his head. "Not here."

We stare at each other until I hear my name.

"NATSUME!!!" I hear behind me. It's Permy and Koko. There's someone on Kokos back. Ruka instantly runs to him. 

"We found her!!"

Her face is very pale. She mumbles incoherent words. "Take her to my room." Ruka suggests and Koko nods.

I sigh. "Thank goodness." I fall to my knees tiredly and touch my face. It feels so hot from all the running.

That was so scary.

I don't want to lose anyone else.

"Hyuuga??" Yuzuru slaps my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He's still panting.

"I'm relieved, that's all. What could have happened to Imai?"

"It can only be the Alice Hunters. She must have found out something about them and they wanted to stop her." His eyes close. "I hope they didn't do anything to her."

"Let's go back and wait for her to wake up." I say while getting up. We take a big breath and run back to Ruka's room.

They tucked her in but sweat has covered her face. She's completely drained of color. She must have fought desperately against them and now she's tired.

What did they do to her?

"I don't think we can tell anyone about this." Yuzuru sighs.

"I'll call her brother." Permy steps outside.

I sit by the bed and hide my face in my hands.

I couldn't even protect Mikan's precious best friend. 

I owe Imai my life and I couldn't save her!

This... I can't believe how useless I am!!!


I raise my head. "Mikan... she..." Imai is barely awake, clutching her blankets tightly. "She's with them."

"..." I lean closer to her so she doesn't have to force herself to speak loudly. Everyone stops and listens.

"She's working with the Alice Hunters..."

My eyes widen. "..."

"He took me and..." She stops to breathe, "They were going to do something to me but..." She coughs, "Mikan... she begged them to spare me. They made her take my Alice."

My fists are clutched so tight that I'm about to faint. I'm so angry. I should be the one to protect everyone. What is Mikan doing??

"She's working for them?"

"Yes. But Hyuuga..." She stops and closes her eyes, "She's doing it for us."

"Thank you Imai." I say and pat her shoulder.

"She's here... but she's in disguise."

I nod, "Alright, rest now." 

"The traitor... it's-" Her eyelashes flutter, then falls instantly asleep.

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