All or Nothing

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Antonio, as well as the rest of Intelligence, was shaken to the core

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Antonio, as well as the rest of Intelligence, was shaken to the core. To know that the person in charge of foster care in Chicago was a pedophile and was the head of a very poisonous snake made them all sick. Erin had gone to help settle the two victims they'd rescued into their new foster home. Al had gone home to be with his daughter while Burgess, Roman and Ruzek had headed to Molly's. Antonio and Kevin looked to each other. Vinessa, Kevin's 10-year old sister, and Diego and Eva were the same age as most of the victims in this case. They had seen what had happened to Erin's brother, Teddy. The nightmares he had endured, they prayed that no one would ever have to endure them again. They wanted to be home with their families. Voight stood and watched his team leave one-by-one. Jay was still at his desk. Voight knew there was something going on between him and Erin, but he'd deal with that when the time came.

"Jay." Voight got his attention. "Go home."

"When I'm done my report, Sarge."

"Paper ain't going anywhere. Go. That's an order."

Jay sighed. "You're right. Uh, thanks Sarge. Night." Jay grabbed his keys and coat, then turned off the light on his desk. He needed to clear his head. Before he knew it, he was in Ravenswood. He pulled up behind Antonio in Jes' driveway.

"Hey, Jay." Antonio greeted him as he got out of his car.

"Antonio? What the fuck are you doing here, man?!"

"Uh, getting my kids... Your sister is... has been a great help. She's making sure they're keeping their nose clean when I'm working."

"How long are you going to keep doing this?!"

"Doing what?" Antonio was unsure of where this was going. He knew that there was no way that Jay could know about him and Jes.

"Using her... to constantly babysit your kids. When the fuck is Laura coming back?!" Jay's voice was escalating.

Antonio marched right up to him. "Just what the fuck are you accusing me of?"

"Didn't you just hear me?!"

The argument was drawing attention from the neighbours. Jes heard the commotion and ran out onto the lawn. "Hey! You two! Cut it out."

Both men's heads whipped around to face her, jaws clamped closed.

"Get your asses in here so you stop making fools of yourselves." Her hands were on her hips and she looked pissed.

Jay glared at Antonio but walked into the house. Jes looked to Antonio. He shrugged and mouthed 'I have no idea.' He followed her into the house. Jay and Antonio stood at opposite ends of the room.

"Can someone please, please tell me what in the hell that was?!"

"He started." Antonio held his hands up.

Jes turned to Jay. "Well?"

Jay knew she was using her teacher voice so he knew he'd have to say something. He was fuming but he wasn't even sure what he was fuming over anymore. "He's always here... the kids... the... I don't know." He collapsed on the couch.

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