Never Alone

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Will wasn't even phased. "Antonio, she's in labour... we knew this was a risk. Yelling at me isn't going to make this any easier or help Jes. Now, hold her hand, shut the fuck up and keep her calm!"

Antonio froze. He had never seen Will lose his calm before. He shut his mouth and jumped to the head of the bed to try and keep Jes calm. Javier and Victoria had been escorted out of the room by one of the other nurses.

"Antonio... it's... no... make it stop!" Jes was panicked. "It's too soon."

Antonio leaned in close and whispered. "Jes, they're doing everything they can... but you need to stay calm... baby, I know... I'm terrified... just breathe... okay, we're both going to breathe."

Will was thankful that Antonio was able to get Jes to focus on her breathing a little bit. "Get Dr. Mayo in here! Or any OB! Page Dr. Manning!" People were flying around the room. Will was trying to figure out why her fetal monitor was screaming. It didn't make any sense. The baby's heartrate had been normal up until her labour had started. "Someone get an ultrasound in here!"

Hannah, the nurse, soon reappeared with an ultrasound machine and Dr. Mayo in tow.

"What the hell is going on?" Dr. Mayo demanded. "Dr. Halstead, I thought everything was fine."

"It was... until we got the news that the girl that offered herself up to save Jes had been found... murdered... then this happened."

"I thought we had agreed that we weren't going to allow her to be stressed? Even with the steroids, the baby isn't ready." Dr. Mayo whispered.

"I know, sir... but she demanded to know..."

"What's the ultrasound for?" Dr. Mayo asked.

"The fetal heart rate isn't making any sense." Will handed Dr. Mayo the monitor strip.

"Give me the ultrasound." Dr. Mayo took the wand and began an ultrasound. "What the hell?"

Will's jaw dropped as he watched the screen. "How did we miss that?"

"Miss what?!" Antonio demanded. "What's all the whispering about?"

"Um... guys..." Will said as he turned the monitor towards them. "You're having twins."

"What?!" Jes gasped. "Ow... oh... how... how did we miss that?"

Dr. Mayo sighed. "In rare cases of identical twins, they stay nestled exactly next to each other and their hearts beat in sync... right up until labour, when the first twin drops for the birthing process."

Jes was weeping. She had never thought she'd been able to get pregnant, now here she was having twins. "Make it stop... they're not... AH!"

Antonio's eyes were filled with tears. "Will, Dr. Mayo... please, stop the labour."

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