I Won't Give Up

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It was around six when Jay got up and showered

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It was around six when Jay got up and showered. His arms felt weighted down by lead. He turned on the hottest tolerable setting and stood under it. He wanted to see Jes. He turned off the water and dried off. He opened his medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Advil. He popped two and swallowed them with some water. He brushed his teeth and went to get dressed. He grabbed his star and gun. He wasn't going to be risking anything today. Andres was still out there, but they were narrowing down where he could be hiding. Every task force possible had flooded Chicago overnight to get him. He would check on Jes then he'd go in and help hunt down this monster. It would be the best gift that he could ever give his little sister. He grabbed his jacket, locked the door and headed out. It didn't take long to get to Med. Mayor Emanuel had issued a citywide curfew. No one except law enforcement would be on the streets for the next couple hours. He walked into Chicago Med and was greeted by April.

"Detective." She smiled.

"I'm here to see my sister, before I go catch the monster that started this madness."

"Antonio mentioned you'd be here. He never left her side."

"He won't be. He's on medical leave." Jay smiled. "He'd better be listening to what the good Doctor Tramble told him."

"He is." April laughed. "We're all making sure of it. They should be awake. Jes needed some blood work down around 5."

"Everything okay?"

"Considering what that poor woman's been through? She's doing pretty fucking amazing."

"Thanks April." He said as he walked towards Jes' room. He rapped on the door. "Everyone decent in here?"

"Yes, Jay." Jes snickered. "Not a lot a couple can do when we're both wrapped in slings and I'm in a cast."

Jay walked in and pulled the teddy bear he'd bought the night before from behind his back. "For you."

"Very cute." Jes smiled as she took it in her good hand. "It's so soft."

"I remembered that you loved all sorts of soft stuffies. I figured, why not have another one for your collection."

Antonio and Jes exchanged a smiled. While they didn't want everyone to know about their baby just yet, because she was still in the danger window, they had agreed that Jay needed to know.

"What? What are you two smiling about?" He looked to Jes' left hand, thinking maybe Antonio had already popped the question.

"Um, you may want to sit." Antonio pointed to the empty chair on the other side of the bed.

"Ooookay..." Jay took the pre-offered chair. "Everything okay here?"

"Yeah. Um, we learned that... the diagnosis I was given six years ago... the one about being unable to have kids... it was wrong." Jes grinned. She was very excited. The pain she felt in her ribs and back couldn't numb the joy she felt.

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