We Own The Night

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December 26...

Jes woke up nauseated and ran to the bathroom. After about 30 minutes, she leaned back against the wall. "I know this is supposed to be normal, but this is nuts." She mumbled to herself. She looked at the clock. It was 5:30 in the morning. Part of her wanted to crawl back into bed and try to get more sleep, but the other part knew it was going to be a useless endeavor. She rinsed her mouth and headed downstairs. She knew Antonio was sound asleep and she wasn't about to wake him. He needed his sleep. He hadn't slept properly since that night at the arena. She couldn't wait for Jacquie to get in. She checked her phone. "Another 6 hours."

"Another 6 hours to what?" Will's voice made her jump.

"Will, what are you doing up?"

"Uh, jet lag... plus New York is two hours ahead of here... I'm usually up and at work by this time."

"Ah... you want me to make you some coffee?"

"I think I know how to work a coffee pot." Will put his arm around her. "What are you doing up so early? You feeling okay?"

Jes nodded weakly. "Yeah. Why?"

"You're flushed... you look worn out... everything okay?" He pulled out a chair. "And don't think you can lie to me, sis... I am a doctor."

"Uh... look... Will..."

"Is Antonio treating you right?"

"It's nothing like that!" Jes exclaimed, a little louder than she'd meant to.

"Jes? Will?" Jay yawned as he came into the kitchen.

"Sorry, Jay... didn't mean to wake you." Jes apologized.

"I was getting up anyhow... it's 6:30 in Chicago... normally, I'd be at the gym right now."

"Time change is a bitch." Jes groaned.

"So, Jay..." Will turned to Jay. "Our little sister is hiding something... and I'd like you to help me get out the information."

"About what?" Jay looked to Jes. She shook her head.

"She's flushed... she doesn't look like she's sleeping well... care to share your two bits on this."

"She's been through hell, Will... in the last two weeks... seriously?" Jay wasn't about to blab that she was pregnant. They wanted to wait, and he wasn't going to ruin their plan.

"Jay, are you honestly going to tell me that you haven't noticed something's up with her?" Will asked.

"Will, you do know I'm right here?" Jes tapped her fingers on the table. "I'm fine... seriously!" She was praying Antonio's natural alarm clock would go off and he'd come rescue her from this.

"She says she's fine." Jay reiterated. "Drop it."

Will knelt in front of Jes and put the back of his hand to her cheek. "You don't have a fever."

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