Keep on Lovin' You

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Jes drove as the tears streamed down her face

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Jes drove as the tears streamed down her face. How could he? She thought, that with everything they had been through, their relationship was rock solid. Then, he's kissing some woman he used to work with? "What the fuck?!" She pounded against the steering wheel. "How could he do that to me?" One hand flew to her belly. "To us?" She wept harder as she drove through Ravenswood. She parked in Jacquie's driveway and killed the engine. It was pouring rain. She ran to the front door and rang the doorbell incessantly.

"Coming! Jesus Christ!" Jacquie's voice barked. "Hold your goddamned horses!" The door swung open. "What the fuck... Jes?! Why... why are you crying... in the pouring rain?!" Jacquie pulled her into the house. "What's going on? You're gonna catch pneumonia out there." She called to Kevin. "Kev! Bring me a towel and a blanket... now!"

There were loud footsteps that echoed down the stairs. "What's going... Jes?" Kevin came to a halt. "What the hell? Where's Antonio?"

Just hearing his name sent Jes into a tailspin. She collapsed to her knees and wept. Jacquie and Kevin turned to each other. They had no clue what was going on but they weren't going to get anything out of her in the middle of their doorway. Kevin picked Jes up as if she weighed nothing and brought her to the family room. Jacquie closed and locked the door and quickly followed them.

Kevin handed Jacquie the towel. "Dry her off... I'm gonna go get her a change of clothes. She's soaked. She can't get sick... not being pregnant like she is."

Jacquie nodded. "Yeah... and uh... whatever you do... don't call Antonio... not until I get her to talk to me." She whispered.

"You sure about that?"

Jacquie glared at him. "Just... let me get her to talk..."

"Okay, you're the boss." Kevin headed to go and grab some of his clothes that could potentially fit Jes. At least until her clothes was dried.

Jacquie began to dry Jes' hair and got her out of her wet clothes. She wrapped Jes tightly in the blanket. Kevin handed Jacquie the clothes and went to the kitchen to make some herbal tea. This gave time for Jacquie to get Jes dressed in something dry. Jes was in catatonic state. She couldn't, or wouldn't speak. She just shook and wept.

"Jes, sweetie... It's just you and me... talk to me." Jacquie tried to get Jes to open up. "You gotta say something. You're scaring me."

Jes' lips quivered as she said. "He kissed her!"

Jacquie's eyes widened. "Who kissed who?"

"Antonio... he kissed... that... Gina... that... he... he ... used to... work... with!" Jes bawled. The sobs caused her whole body to shake.

"Antonio... kissed another woman?" Jacquie was in shock. That didn't sound like Antonio, but then again, who knew anymore.

Jes nodded furiously. "She's... prettier... than... me..." Her breathing was ragged from the sobs. "She's not... pregnant... and fat!"

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