Somebody's Hero

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The team arrived back at the District and quickly stripped off their gear

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The team arrived back at the District and quickly stripped off their gear. They had to get Yates off the streets. Every had a job to do, and they had to get it done now.

"Where's Nadia?" Voight asked, pointing to her empty desk.

Jay saw a sticky note out of the corner of his eye. He pulled if off the receiver of his phone. "She went out."

Erin lost it. "She's out there!?" She pointed to the cityscape that was outside their window. "With a psychopath on the loose?!"

Jay sighed in defeat. "She went to P2K to meet up with Jes and Xander... to set up for your birthday."

"She's out there? With your extremely pregnant sister? Because of me?!" Erin began to hyperventilate. "They fit his fucking victim type!"

"Hey!" Antonio got between Jay and Erin. Hank was holding Erin's elbow to keep her from going for Jay's throat. "Erin, relax a little bit... okay? I'll call P2K." Antonio was trying his best to calm her down. He grabbed his cell and dialed Jes. It went straight to voicemail. "That's weird."

"What's weird?" Jay asked.

"Jes' phone... it's going straight to voicemail."

Jay grabbed his cell and called P2K's landline. It just rang and rang. Eventually, the answering machine kicked in. "What the fuck?!"

"What?!" Antonio demanded.

"There's no answer. Just the machine, but only after about 50 rings. Something's not right... Sarge?" Jay turned to Voight.

Everyone could see the worry in Jay and Antonio's eyes. Even Voight was beginning to worry. Erin was to the point of hysterics.

"Boss, Yates can't possibly know that Jes runs P2K... that Nadia was headed there... that Jes is Jay's sister... that she's marrying Antonio... how close Erin is to Nadia? He can't know any of that... can he?" Ruzek asked what was on everyone's mind.

"With this guy?! Who the fuck knows?!" Voight growled. "Suit up! All of you!"

There weren't enough doors in the bullpen. Everyone ran to the rollout and grabbed their vests. The Intelligence cops grabbed the longs guns and shields. They were going to need anything and everything. They had no clue what they could've been walking into, but they had to be prepared for anything. They piled into their vehicles and with lights and sirens, they sped off to P2K.

They were there in about 10 minutes. When they got there and saw Jes' Journey as well as Xander's pickup in their stalls. Erin's car was nowhere in sight. There were no lights visible inside the building. They slowly made their way inside in formation. The whole building was pitch black. Jay and Antonio were in the lead. Ruzek and Olinsky headed left towards the kitchens. Erin and Voight headed right towards the gym and rec area. Atwater, Fin and Amaro covered the main area. Antonio and Jay were sweeping through the study rooms and offices when a blood curdling scream and loud thud came from the back office. Jay and Antonio ran full steam in that direction with Fin and Amaro on his tail. Atwater stayed to cover the door.

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