Don't Wanna Lose You Now

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"I am

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"I am... so menu planning?"

"We'll talk about that later

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"We'll talk about that later. First, I need to find out how long they're going to be here."

"Where are they staying?"

"Hopefully... with my parents." Antonio sighed. "Last time they stayed here, they drove me up the walls."

"Don't your nieces and nephew enjoy time with Diego and Eva?"

"Oh yes, they do. That's part of the reason why I'm hoping they're going to stay with my parents. I don't need you to have to babysit five brats, and my brother and sister-in-law."

"Dad!" Eva protested from the floor. "We're not brats."

"You, Freddy and Carla got into enough trouble last time. Don't get me started on when Diego and Maria decided to build volcanoes in the garage."

"We're older now." Diego reminded him. "Maria is more into dance now than she is into fun science stuff... plus I don't want to upset Jes."  He sounded disappointed that his cousin was no longer going to be his partner in scientific discovery.

"Awe, you're too sweet." Jes smiled. "But y'all do know I used to teach 30 plus teenagers at a time back when I was still teaching. I think I could handle it. Offer them to stay here if they don't have anywhere else to stay."

"Baby, I don't want you having to stress more." Antonio rubbed her shoulders.

"If you don't help me plan a menu, I'll be more stressed." She wrapped her arms around him as she spun around. "Let's go figure some stuff out, and we'll get the kids to tidy up in here."

"Sure thing!" Eva exclaimed as she jumped up from her spot and began collecting her stuff. "I'm taking we should be getting ready for bed?"

"Probably. It's late and tomorrow is Monday."

"Okay Dad." Diego put his book back on the desk that was designated for this project.

"Whoa, whoa. Hang on. Who are you and what have you done with my children?" Antonio asked.

"What do you mean, Daddy?" Eva asked in return.

"You're never this cooperative to go to bed."

"Um." Diego blushed. "We kinda figured that you had a rough couple days. That, and well... we don't want to have fights anymore. Families shouldn't fight."

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