Authors Note

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So you may have noticed that the updates for this particular story haven't exactly been very consistent, and the main reason for this is just that I have no idea where it's going and I just don't have the motivation to write it.

This is because my original plan for this story is pretty different to how it's going at the minute, and it's too late to keep writing it along the original plotline. And I really liked the original version, this version I am not exactly a fan of and so I just don't feel that I can keep writing it when I know it won't be my best work, and I doubt it would be too interesting if I'm forcing myself to write something I can't get into myself. 

And so I am sorry, because I know there are people that are enjoying this storyline, but I feel that I can't continue to write it. 

However, because I still want to write my original plan for this book, the prologue and chapters 1 and 2 will remain as they are, chapter 3 will be modified, and chapters 4- 9 will be completely deleted. 

I've been considering doing this for a while, but it wasn't until I wrote the most recent chapter 9, and realised that I just wasn't invested in the story like I am with my others, the only reason I was updating was because I knew there were people that wanted an update. 

So again, sorry - but I feel as though this is the right decision for the story.

I'm not sure when I'll be deleting the chapters, but it will be fairly soon, I think.

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