Chapter 17

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Breathing heavily, my sobbing had stopped, Liam was still holding me in a way that forced me to look at him. 

I didn't know what to say.

"Charlotte?" He asked, concerned. 

I was frozen in place, my numb lips wouldn't move to answer him. 

"Charlotte what's wrong? Do I need to go get the doctor?" He asked me, trying to pull me away from the border, but I couldn't seem to move. 

"No, no." I finally said, when I remembered how to move my mouth. "I just don't... understand."

"What?" He said, "I think you need to go back inside... come on..."

"It just doesn't make any sense." I elaborated, still confused. 

"What doesn't make sense?" He asked, taking me by the hand and leading me back towards the pack.

"Oh," I said, stopping. "This is a dream."

"Charlotte it's not a-" 

"No it's okay, I know. I guess I can enjoy it while it lasts." I decided, and took his hand again, this time walking by his side back to the pack. 

He was clutching my hand tightly, as though he thought I was going to try and escape. Silly boy. This is a dream. I can wake up whenever I want. 

We were silent as we walked through the pack, Liam was holding on to my hand tightly, rushing to get back to this house. He seemed to be under the impression that I was going to try and leave, and his house was a place he could lock me in, I guess. 

"Charlotte we really do need to talk about what happened with those... people." He said, coming close to me. 

I nodded, "Yes, but not while I'm asleep. That would be silly." I told him. 

His shoulders slumped, "Charlotte really, you're not dreaming."

I simply shook my head, "Of course not." I said sarcastically.

He frowned. "Fine. Tell me what happened so you can organize your thoughts before you talk about it when you wake up."

I shrugged, "Okay. Kayla took me off into the woods so she could talk with me. She was going to tell me about Stephan's plans," I paused, Liam didn't react to being reminded about his plans to mate with me. Yes, definitely dreaming. "But I already knew of course. So then she told me that she wanted me to leave. And I said no-"

"Why did you not want to leave?" He asked, surprised. 

Dream Liam was a figment of my imagination, I was surprised that he didn't understand. 

"Where would I go? I couldn't come back here." I said, shaking me head as though he were being ridiculous. 

"You didn't want to come back." He said, staring off blankly. 

"I did, but see I knew you'd be mad at me for leaving, I did see you kill the guy on patrol-" I began, but was interrupted. 

"You were there." He said, turning to face me again. "I knew you were there. Why didn't you come forwards? Why couldn't I smell your scent?"

I shook my head again, "I wasn't there in a sense you'd understand." I sighed, "You killed him, so of course I had to see it in my vision. I didn't know that I'd be able to interact with you there though... I couldn't, mostly. I tried to talk to you but you only heard me the once. And then I touched you, but after that my hands just fell through you."

"I thought I was going mad." He said, looking down. "But it was you."

"Well yeah," I said. "But anyway. So Kayla realised I wasn't going to leave on my own terms, so she tried to kill me. Simple as that."

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