Chapter 20

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I didn't know where I was.

There was a putrid scent of decay in the air, along with a kind of suffocating heat. I could feel... well, I couldn't really feel anything.

My body felt limitless in an incomprehensible way, yet somehow I managed to rise to my feet.

But I didn't exactly have feet.

Looking down, it appeared that I didn't have anything.

Around me was a brown, foggy haze. It swirled around me like a terrifying smoke. The wispy tendrils were curling around my consciousness, they brought a strange warmth with them, it wasn't exactly pleasant.

I don't know how long I spent there, but it seemed like an eternity.

My mind was empty, I had no desire to think of who I was, before I was here.

I had the strangest sensation of a name on the tip of my tongue, but it seemed unimportant.

Slowly, slowly, I felt the ghost-like warmth recede. I felt a gust of soft wind fan across my face like a gentle breath.

With the breath of fresh air, came a cooling feeling that I felt spread across my skin, wrapping itself around my body like a blanket. I could finally feel the individual stretches of my body.

There was some kind of bright light in the distance, tinged with the lightest blue.

The light came towards me, growing in a kind of brilliance that I shouldn't have been able to look at.

As the light came forward, the land around me became bathed in a beautiful, moonlight.

Almost immediately, the fog completely receded, and around me I saw what I could only comprehend as a cloud-like material.

The great light in front of me faded enough for a figure to become visible.

She was tall, with long limbs that seemed to shimmer in a way that seemed backwards, as though they were emitting light, rather than reflecting.

She had cool blue eyes with flecks of silver within them, and long locks of dark brown hair that seemed to move on its own.

I found myself staring at the woman, in shock and awe.

It was almost like looking in a mirror.

I looked down at myself, and saw the lengths of my hair falling onto my shoulders, a dark, identical brown, that had begun to contain a bit of bounce, like it was full of life.

Looking back at her, I saw my own eyes staring back at me.

I was not tall like this woman... but our resemblance was uncanny.

"Charlotte." She said in a welcoming voice, she had a rich voice that bounced towards me with a smoothness that no real voice held.

I didn't reply, I just kept staring, uncertain. Who was this woman? Where was I?

"I'm sure that this is all very confusing for you." She continued, her voice sending melodious tones through this strange place.

"You could say that." I replied, in a voice that didn't sound like my own. It was too smooth, too much like this woman's voice. "Who are you?"

She sent me a gentle smile, that instantly sent a calming sensation through my limbs.

"I'm your mother." She told me. I felt inclined to believe her, though there was a nagging sensation at the back of my mind.

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