Chapter 14

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My eyes were open, but I couldn't see a thing. 

I could feel the sharp twigs beneath my feet, and hear the soft whoosh of a breeze in the trees. That was what told me I was walking through the forest.

Up ahead, I saw a clearing through which the moonlight was shining, illuminating the figures within. 

I hurried over to it. 

This was a strange vision.

There was an odd quality to it, a shiny silver mist that settled at the edges of my vision. 

"WHERE IS SHE?" A voice demanded, I turned to face the voice, Liam.

He was furious. Absolutely furious. I yearned to comfort him, to reach out and touch him, but he would never allow that. 

But this was a vision, he couldn't see me here. 

Slowly, I reached out a hand and placed it, with a featherlike touch, on his arm. 

Beneath my fingertips, his arm tensed, and he turned to look at his side with a confused glance. He was looking right at me. 

He said nothing. He didn't push me away. 

"W-who, alpha?" The nervous guard-wolf stammered, I had not noticed him cowering before Liam. 

"MY MATE!" Liam growled, smashing his right arm into the man's face, causing him to fall back in terror. 

"I- I don't know! She passed through many hours ago! I am so sorry alpha, she is the luna, we did not think she would leave!" He cowered. 

I saw Liam close his eyes, almost in pain, everything calmed down. I listened intently as the guards breathing slowed back down to a regular rate. 

And all of a sudden, Liam rushed forwards and slammed into the guard, his neck twisted with an unnatural crack. 

I stared in horror. Liam just killed one of his own pack members.

Over me? 

Liam turned away slowly and faced out into the night. 

More than anything, he looked sad.

He knew that I had left the border of my own free will. 

I longed to know what he was thinking, to apologise, to tell him I was sorry. 

It was easier for me, I knew exactly where Liam was, I knew of his physical condition. I knew what he was doing, right now. But he knew nothing of me, I could be dead for all he knew. 

It was then that he started to march into the woods, following a path similar to the one I had taken, but my scent was long gone now. It had been raining through the night. 

He growled in frustration and broke out in a run. 


No, he was going to try to search for me. Alone?

It was bad enough that he was trying to find me, I suspected that he never would. 

I began running immediately, quickly catching up with him, he was running in circles, searching for a trace of my scent, most likely. 

As soon as I was close enough I reached out and grabbed his arm with my hand, tugging him backwards, taken by surprise, he stumbled but didn't fall. 

My eyes widened, I could... interact with him here? 

"Liam stop!" I said, as he tried to run forwards again.

He stopped, shock still. Quickly, he turned in the direction of my voice. "Charlotte..?"

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