Chapter 5

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The pack doctor left soon after, leaving me alone with Alpha Liam, who had left almost immediately. Seemingly in a hurry, though I could hear him pacing around upstairs, clearly doing nothing. 

I sighed, and thought of the way he had offered me a hand to pull me up. The moment our skin made contact I had gasped, surprised at the sudden intensity of the contact between our hands. I suppose he had felt the same thing, because he immediately released my hand and stormed off upstairs.

I was still feeling the awful pang of the rejection, it was a constant and dull throb deep within my gut, and no matter what I did I couldn't seem to shake it off.

Alpha Liam was a complete riddle to me. And I'd never been good at riddles. 

He made my mind jumbled up just thinking about it, I just couldn't comprehend his motives. He takes me from my pack, my home... to ignore me? 

I had been around mates practically my entire life. When my sister met her mate, they had immediately embraced, not even sparing a thought for their audience.

What was different with us?

I longed for the easy relationships the wolves around me seemed to enjoy. I thought back to all the encounters I'd ever had with alphas, they never seemed to like me. 

Alpha Derek detested me for my abilities, and Alpha Liam wasn't exactly acting as though he enjoyed having me as his mate. 

What if he found out about them and hated me in the same way?

I felt my blood run cold, could he sense it? He was an alpha... Maybe some part of him instinctively knew that there was something wrong with me?

But despite that, I couldn't help but think of all that we could be. And how utterly impossible it seemed at the moment. 

I was still sat in the kitchen at one of the chairs, but suddenly even this large room felt suffocating. 

Pulling myself from my sitting position, I made my way over to the door and left the house, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. 

I hadn't gotten very far before I felt the very distinct feeling of being watched, followed, even. 

I knew it was him. Alpha Liam, that is. 

So confusing. One minute he refuses to even touch me, the next he's following me around like a stalker?

I shook my head, mildly irritated. That was the strange thing about mates. Though I felt as though I should be annoyed at him, angry. I just wasn't. Like there was something preventing me from feeling that way. I knew that if he showed me just a single act of kindness, all would be forgiven. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. 

Walking around the pack, I had no sense of direction. But when I decided to go back to Alpha Liam's house, I could just go find him from wherever he was stalking me and get him to show me the way. 

"Evening," A man said politely, walking by, nodding his head to me with a smile.

I froze, no longer walking. I was sure I looked ridiculous, my mouth was hanging open like a fish and my eyes were wide. 

No one ever spoke to me like that back home...

Back home I was ignored, people looked away when they walked past me. Pretended I wasn't there,  didn't want to be seen with me. 

Perhaps that was what made me realise... that place wasn't home. Not any more. 

"Miss?" Another voice called.

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