Chapter 7

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For the past couple of hours I had, admittedly, been hiding in my room. 

Well, what else was I supposed to do? There was no way I was going to go and face him. 

Besides that, I didn't know where he was. He had left after the... event and hadn't come back. 

Despite the fact he hadn't kissed me back, I hadn't forgotten the feel of his lips on mine. Unfortunately, my vivid memory wasn't helping me forget about it. 

And that meant that I was craving him more than ever. 

Now that I had a glimpse into what it was like... how could I possibly restrain myself from him? 

I sighed, there was no way I could do anything now. Not when I knew how he would react. 

But... It's for you! For you!

That's what he had said to me. 

For me.

But... why?

Why on earth would it possibly benefit me, him staying away?

Closing my eyes briefly, as though to block out everything that was going on, I took some deep breaths to calm myself. 

Suddenly, I stood up and left the room, hurrying down the stairs as though I thought someone would try to stop me. 

It pained me to think how long it had been since I'd changed into wolf form. I'd been so distracted with Liam that I hadn't even been thinking about it. 

I rushed out of the house without another thought. I didn't know the area too well, but right behind Liam's house there were quite a few trees, and though I wasn't entirely sure, it looked like a full-on forest back there. 

I looked around myself, checking there wasn't anyone around. It seemed to be an unspoken rule from Liam that I don't leave the house. 

Ducking into the trees, the overwhelming need to shift into my wolf took over, and before I even had time to strip to preserve my clothes, fur was sprouting across my body and my form was changing. 

The forest looked different in my wolf eyes, everything was brighter, the detail had increased and it was like all of my senses had amplified, not just my eyesight.

I set off in a run at once, enjoying the familiar feel of the soil beneath my paws. The trees whizzed past me and the sounds of the creatures were a blur. 

In my wolf form, my wolfs emotions were more prominent to me, and only now could I really begin to grasp the absolute pain she was in. 

Everything was building up for her, having our alpha banish and punish us, our mate ignore and reject us constantly... Not to mention we were technically rogue right now. 

The onslaught of emotions was too much, and the moment I smelt the clear smell of fresh-water, I bounded towards it without a second thought.

Spending a moment to have a drink, I realised that my wolf wanted me to shift back. 

She was aware that her emotions rubbed off on me easier in this form, and she was trying to shield me from it. 

I was in no mood to face the real world, but I complied with her wishes. 

I sniffed around a bit first, hunting for clothes. Mine had shredded back at the beginning of the forest. 

Most packs kept clothing around their pack lands for instances such as this, so it didn't take me long to find a long-sleeved white shirt. Unfortunately all the trousers were too large for me, but the shirt was large and covered everything up. It'd have to do. 

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