Chapter 29

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I had to find him. I had to apologise... to tell him I was wrong. That I had lied before... I still loved him, I still wanted him as my mate. 

Slowly, I allowed my eyelids to droop closed, allowing me to have better concentration. 

The scene was much the same, wolves fighting against wolves everywhere you looked. Of course, many of them were still in human form. It was much harder for a wolf to attack a human that it was for them to attack another wolf. It could be advantageous. 

That's why, looking ahead of me, Liam stood, fighting in human form. The rogue he fought was also a human. 

Even though the light was beginning to dim, light still reflected off of Liam's blonde hair, somehow making him stand out amongst all of the wolves.

Watching him fight, I was overcome by pride. There wasn't even a scratch on him, nor a tear in his clothes. The rogue, however, was already tiring out, covered in his own blood. 

Studying the scenery around them, I noticed that they weren't by any buildings that seemed familiar, they were just out in the woods somewhere. 

I tried my best to memorize my surroundings, to look at each of the  faces around me and commit them to memory. 

Trying not to think about the people fighting - the people dying for me - I opened my eyes back into the real present, because somehow I knew that when I reached Liam everything would be okay again. 

I walked forwards, my dress sweeping over the blood-stained grass but I knew it wouldn't be stained. 

I had begun to think that being a goddess was too much. Maybe it would be okay, if I were among my own, like my mother. Gods and humans shouldn't mix. There was too much of a difference.

I wished that Liam was a god. Better yet, I wished that I wasn't.

If I wasn't, I'd never have spent so much time away from Liam. Which was undoubtedly the worst regret of my life. 

How different would my life have been if I hadn't been a goddess? If my real mother was my birth mum, and not the moon goddess. 

I would have been raised in Stormhounds pack, with an Alpha that barely knew my name. My sister would still be dead... my poor sister Melany, who I had barely given a thought to since meeting my mate. I felt a tear drift down my cheek. My wonderful sister, who I missed so dearly yet I had been so preoccuipied with my own life that I had barely even grieved.

I felt the weight now, like a crushing sensation deep within my chest, right where my heart was. The girl who had held my hand when I'd had my 'nightmares' and never seemed to let go. What would become of me when I died? Would I see her again? Would I get the chance to apologise to her, for forgetting? 

Or would I end up somewhere else? Or perhaps nowhere at all. Perhaps there would be nothing more for any of us. 

I could not bring her back, I could only move on. 

My incredible mate... I would have met him when he visited the pack on that same day. Nobody would have died, and an unbreakable alliance would have been formed between the two packs. It was difficult to believe that it would be possible... Alpha Derek had ended up dead at the hands of Liam's pack. 

I would have gone to Liam's pack and we would have fallen in love, slowly but surely. Liam would not believe himself to have caused me pain, because I'd never have had a reason to act cursed. 

Maybe we would have had a child, one that I would hope took after Liam, he was a far better person that me, after all. Maybe that would still happen... I just had to hope that he would forgive me. 

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