Chapter 28

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I could feel the hands of pack members clutching me anywhere that they could - it should have felt comforting but something in me just wanted to rip them off of me. 

Looking around myself, all I could see was fighting. The grass was stained with red, and all I could smell was the rusty smell of blood.

Feeling the sensation of several hands leaving my body, I turned just in time to see a vicious rogue leaping up at me, it's teeth just gently skimming the skin on my shoulder before several of the pack wolves pounced at it and tore it away. 

Breathing heavily, I turned away, my eyes wide with terror. Looking down, I saw a thin white line crossing my shoulder where the teeth had skimmed me. Already healed, and scarred. 

Looking at the people around me, there were at least 10 still in human form in contact with my body, and more wolves surrounding me as protectors. 

The majority of them were covered in blood and cuts and other injuries. 

And I wasn't injured at all. It didn't matter that I had been wrong about being above the other wolves, because I was still a goddess. I could survive more than they could. And I could protect myself too. 

Stopping mid-step, several of the pack members collided into me, surprised at my abrupt stop. I heard the sound of more wolves clashing together, pack wolves taken off guard by my stop.

Feeling like I was going to be sick, I clutched the closest hand to me in mine, yearning for some kind of strength. 

This had to stop.

"Please, please just go. Protect yourselves, I'm okay, I can protect myself." I told the people and the wolves around me.

They looked at me in shock, but I could see many of them eyeing up wolves on the other side of the battle, people they wanted to protect more than me. 

"Really. I'll be okay. Protect yourselves." I told them.

I could see they were still reluctant, so gently I pulled my hands close to my chest and closed my eyes. 

Feeling a warm, energy inside of my chest, I focused on expanding it, covered my entire body and then slowly pushing it outside of myself, forming a protective shield around my body. 

No hands were touching me anymore - they were unable to. 

I kept on walking through the crowd, flinching nervously every time a wolf got too close to me, not because I was afraid - but because it made me remember how it was my fault. 

Looking to my left as I heard a cry, I saw a small wolf backing up against a tree as a rogue, twice its size, stalking up to it. 

Holding my hands out in front of me, I focused on the energy across my body, and projected it in front of me, towards the rogue, before ripping my hands apart. 

I looked away before I saw what happened, but in front of me, I saw a large spray of blood cover a couple of fighting wolves. 

I kept walking, trying to look out for pack wolves around me, without looking at the gore of fighting. 

I was having  deja vu, I had already seen a lot of this fight through my visions. 

I thought back to how it had been so difficult for me to see what the cause of this fight was. It was like my own arrogance had made me blind to the fact that it was going to be my fault. 

I'd been so convinced that I was perfect... that I was helping these wolves. I couldn't believe how many mistakes I had made. 

Feeling a slight wind, I turned my head at the last second to see a rogue jumping up at me, only to get knocked over by a wolf trying to protect me. 

I didn't act fast enough, and I saw the wolf die, for me. 

I had a shield up, it wasn't necessary. And they didn't even know it.

They continued to try and protect me, to give their lives for me. Even though I didn't need it. Even though they were only fighting because of me. 

All around the battlefield, I could see rogues fighting pack members. 

There were so many more rogues than pack wolves, and it was all because I had invited them here. 

The wolves were fighting, and our side was losing, badly.

People were dying everywhere I looked.

I could see rogues dead on the floor, but there were so few of them dead.

Of course, I didn't want them to die. I didn't want anyone to die. Not now. 

Even so... the amount of pack wolves lying dead on the ground was astonishing. I had been right about one thing... the rogues were better fighters than they were. 

I had invited almost all of the wolves in the country to come here and fight. And now, they are all going to die. And it was all my fault. 

How many packs would survive this? Any that did... their numbers would have diminished like crazy. 

Taking deep breaths, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Looking around me, all I could see was wolves dying. It didn't matter whether they were rogues or pack wolves. All of them were dying because of me. And none of them deserved it.

None of them deserved to die for me. 

Covering my face with my hands, I tried my best to block out what was happening around me. 

I felt my knees fold underneath me as I collapsed to the ground, winding my arms tight around my legs and digging my head into my skirts. 

The black had one use at least, it was excellent at blocking out the light, and helping me to pretend that this wasn't happening. 

The skirts bundled up around me, enveloping me in a soft embrace that felt comforting amidst this storm. 

I may be a goddess but after this I was surely going to end up in hell. 

I felt so alone here, and I knew exactly who it was that I needed that, I wanted. And I knew who it was that I had to find and go to. I had to make things right, I had to apologise. There was no way that I could spent another minute without him by my side. 

Pulling myself up to my feet, I felt my eyes burn as I tried to blink away my tears. 

My eyes scanned the area, looking for him. I didn't even know where to start.

All I knew was that I needed him.

And I was done denying that.


Sorry! It's kind of short but I'm so excited to write the next chapter! So hopefully it will be longer than usual!

Only 3 more chapters left!

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