Chapter 15

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The skirts of my dress fanned out behind me in the gentle breeze, Kayla and Stephan had both left breakfast a while ago, I was out looking for either of them. Being around the pack made me uncomfortable, they all treated me like I was some kind of... well, god. 

I hated it to be honest, I didn't think I was a goddess. I completely believed that what was up with me was that I'd been cursed. 

But how did that explain the strange prophecy that I had proclaimed? 

"Kayla, I can't believe you. I really thought you would be on board with this." I heard Stephan say, as I walked past a tent. 

I froze, wondering whether this was the kind of conversation where it was acceptable to interrupt. 

"But I-" Kayla stammered in reply, "Does this mean you're rejecting me?"

My eyes widened, rejection?

"Kayla don't be ridiculous, this isn't about us. It's about her." He told her, in a tone that suggested his words were final. 

"But I... my brother... and...." She stuttered, desperately trying to find an argument. 

"Kayla, you knew from the start that they can never mate if she wants to keep her purity. She can only mate somebody that follows her image as the goddess." 

I felt my blood run cold, that meant they were talking about me. 

"She doesn't have to mate anyone!" She cried out, desperately, "Surely she's purer if she doesn't mate at all!"

"Perhaps." He admitted, "But a goddess' would be wise to pass her unique gifts onto her own children. And she would be wise to do so with the strongest wolf in the pack, aside from herself." 

"No! No no no!" She pleaded, "You're supposed to mate with your real mate! Is this why you mated me and didn't mark me? So you were free to mate with her? It wasn't because you're jaw was aching!" 

Stephan didn't reply for a while. "Kayla I am going to go for a walk. Come and find me when you're feeling more reasonable."

With a shock, I turned away and kept walking, deciding to head back to my tent to think over what I had just seen. 

Stephan caught up to me quickly, "Charlotte!" He greeted, "We're going to be moving the tents further up north in a few hours, don't worry, the wolves will pack up your tent for you." 

I didn't reply, simply nodded, too stunned by the revelation of his plans for us to mate.

He didn't seem to notice my lack of reply, and strode further ahead of me until he was out of sight. 

I had just reached my impeccably pure tent when I felt a small hand on my shoulder. 

Turning around, I was relieved to see Kayla, though I saw something flicker in her eyes that was similar to fear. 

"Do you mind if I speak with you, luna?" She asked, biting her lip nervously. 

"Um, of course." I replied. Perhaps she was intending to warn me about Stephan's plans. 

I followed her into the woods, we walked a reasonable distance, enough so that there wasn't a sound around us to indicate another presence of a wolf that might overhear. 

As we walked, she kept looking around herself, as though afraid that someone were following us. Perhaps she was fearful that Stephan would overhear and be mad. 

Eventually, she turned around to face me, the nervous expression now clear on her face. 

"Look Charlotte, I have something to tell you-" She began.

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