Chapter 13

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Everything was fine until that stupid cookie. It was really good, believe me, but it made me remember. It stirred up something in the back of my mind, exploring dark corners of my heart that I'd long since neglected. As soon as I took the first bite, something flashed across my mind. The smell of food. A messy kitchen. Laughter and shouting. My parents. My siblings that I had left behind: Holly, Magnus, Juliet. Then the scene shifted. Aaron.

I stopped the memories then. It was heart-aching enough to think of my family. Then Old Henry wouldn't answer our questions, instead shooting spells and drawing runes and forcing us to fight back. He freaking locked us in! I watched him defeat Aaron, Lucian, and Jason. Ashley's spells didn't work that well against his runes. So Indigo and I devised a quick plan, because I had figured out something and thought I could defeat him with it.

And now? I was immobilized on the cold, hard concrete floor with possibly a broken arm and broken leg and my own sword was going to impale me. What a great day this is. I couldn't move no matter how much I wanted to. One, I was in pain. Two, my arm and leg were broken. Three, I was scared. Even facing that Evil wasn't this scary. I guess it had something to do with watching the weapon drop, knowing that you couldn't do anything except watch it kill you.

The sunlight glinted off the polished metal as the sword flipped a couple more times in the air and righted, falling towards the earth. Towards me. My life flashed before my eyes. I felt my parents' last embrace, our last family dinner, the last time I had fun with my friends. I closed my eyes. This was it. This was the end.

"Oomph!" A strong force collided with me, sturdy hands slipping beneath me to scoop me up. I cried out in pain as my arm was jolted. I felt the cool touch of metal slice my arm, then knocked aside. Someone tackled me and tried to push me aside. Someone had taken part of the stab during the process of saving me.

My eyes flew open, and widened at the sight of another pair of brown eyes hovering above me. "Katherine, are you alright?" Aaron gasped.

"Aaron! Y-yes I'm okay," I tried to calm my thumping heart. "Are you—oh, Aaron!"

We were so close together, his face inches from mine. His arms were under me, and our limbs were tangled together. My arm felt like it was on fire. My ankle felt no less. But what concerned me at the moment was the gash on his ribcage, stretching to the stomach area, already seeping blood.

He slowly got up, grimacing at the pain. Both hands flew to his ribcage, applying pressure. With one arm I pushed myself up, ignoring my own pain.

"Oh my gosh Aaron, that looks deep," I said worriedly.

"I'll be fine," said Aaron, pain contorting his features. "How's your arm? And leg?"

"Me? Never mind how I am, you're going to die if that doesn't get treated!" I exclaimed. He's so selfless, always putting others before himself.

"Aaron!" Indigo rushed up. "Oh my gosh Aaron oh my gosh. Rachel! Can you do anything about this wound?"

My friends crowded around us. Aaron tried to shrug it off, saying "Concentrate on Katherine first" but I vetoed that with a firm "No".

"Rachel, is this life-threatening?" Ashley asked worriedly. "The blood's not stopping."

Indeed, no matter what Rachel tried to do with her Healer magic it didn't work. There was just too much blood. Aaron was going paler by the second.

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