Chapter 25

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Eric's face was twisted into a snarl as our swords met yet again. "It's always you who's ruining my plans," he growled.

"I'm not letting you harm my friends," I grunted as I shoved him back. Righting my stance, I held both of my swords in a protective position. I saw what happened. I saw Eric's malicious grin when Reginald fell. I saw Aaron's blood spill across the stage. I saw Aaron's eyes roll back in his head when I crouched down next to him and attempted to draw out the poison. Fortunately Rachel and Ashley were able to stop the spread of the poison and extract the silver needle. I saw Eric toying with Indigo, and then knowing all the counterattacks to her every move.

I knew what was going to happen next. Leaving Aaron in Rachel's care I stripped off my jacket and pulled out both swords. And not a moment too soon, because Eric's iron grip closed around Indigo's ankle and threw her across the stage. I leaped out and blocked Eric.

Eric's face went from triumphant to surprise to anger. Without giving me time to stabilize myself he had already spun away and lunged back with double the ferocity. His long knives flashed through the air, here, there, everywhere. Every move was designed to kill. I didn't hold back; here, it's kill or be killed. And I have every intention of leaving here alive.

I'll admit, Eric was an amazing fighter. It's a pity he turned to the dark side; otherwise, he would've been a great contribution to society. For the first twenty or so seconds I could only slide this way and that, tilting my head and twisting my body to avoid being sliced like roast beef. Eric was too fast. His polished knives were reflecting the torchlight, trapping me in a circle of deadly mirages. Everywhere I looked was a flash of silver; I couldn't tell where Eric was, or where his real knives were. Trapped, with no way out...

Eric whirled closer, so close his passing blade chopped off a lock of my hair. I spun in a circle, swords out. Eric only danced out of the way and aimed a deadly thrust to my forehead. I leaned back so far my ponytail brushed the floor, before straightening and jumping straight up in the air to avoid having my legs cut off. I tried to fight my way out, stabbing my swords where I thought Eric was. It only passed through thin air, and the evil cackles of Eric echoing through my mind. I was alone and utterly trapped. Eric was everywhere, and his stupid silver knives were blinding me. Damn it damn it damn it what do I do?

A memory flashed in my mind, and I was transported back into a time when I was only seven. Little me was turning slowly in a circle, frantic and trapped. It was a test-a test to see if I was ready to get an actual sword and step on the path of being a swordswoman. It was dark, and shadowy shapes loomed everywhere. I was trapped, with no way out. The darkness was suffocating. Just like Eric's knives.

The Anaconda's Squeeze. My father's deep voice sounded. Remember Katherine, they're all illusions.

How do I fight an illusion? My young voice cried out, frightened. I can't do this, dad. I can't. Help me.

Yes you can Kath, my father's voice soothed. Remember what I taught you. What are illusions used for?

To make you see things that aren't really there, Little me answered.

What do you do when you're trying to cut through something that's not really there? My father's voice gently prodded.

You focus and try to differentiate between real and fake. Little me and present me answered together. Little me's voice was no longer quivering. I tightened my grip on my swords, took a deep breath, and concentrated.

And once you figure what's real and what's not? My father's voice was there, but at the same time not here.

"You aim straight and true at the thing that's real, ignoring the fakes," I said aloud, holding one of my swords on either side of me, so that it was waist-high and pointing straight out. Little me passed the test, and I have found my way.

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