Chapter 47

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The first few days were full of anxiety and nervousness. I couldn't get myself to relax completely, because the quest so far has taught me that a moment of distractedness could cost me my life. I kept expecting Lord Victor's army to burst in any moment, swarm the clearing, and capture Aaron and me once more. I had at least one of my swords with me at all times, whether it was at the dining table, outside, or even in bed. I slept fitfully, never daring to fall into a deep sleep for fear of an attack at night.

Sometimes, there would be nightmares. I would see Lord Victor's twisted face as he tortured me or his cruel expression as the camp exploded in the forest below us. Sometimes, I saw the mangled bodies of my friends, the Evils with blood dripping from their fangs, or soldiers with merciless metal weapons. I always awoke from these nightmares in the middle of the night, a sheen of cold sweat covering my skin. Even though I had tried to act brave all these months of our quest, I was afraid. I was so, so afraid. I was scared of Lord Victor knowing where I was, scared of him torturing me, scared of him killing the people I love. Most of all, I was scared of facing him again, even though I knew it was inevitable. But I didn't want to go back to Devil's Peak, or to any of Lord Victor's strongholds. I didn't want to return to a small, dark, cold prison cell that nearly drove me crazy. I was afraid.

Aaron stuck close by me. Even though he tried to not show it, I knew he was just as worried as I was. I caught his nervous twitches, his casual glances behind his back, and his instinctive reach for his sword. The quest had turned us into frightened, anxious people without a home to return to and people to trust. It robbed us of our innocence and our childhood, forcing us to mature and step up in a matter of minutes. Sometimes, I had the fleeting thought that Lord Victor was right, that the Elders did lie to us and that the prophecy was useless.

One day, two days, one week, two weeks...The days passed uneventfully, and Lord Victor never sent troops after us. The beautiful scenery and calming atmosphere finally succeeded in rounding my sharp edges. Following Martha's commands, I rested often and did not push myself excessively, giving my body enough time to heal itself. The organic foods we ate for three meals a day did wonders to my body, boosting my organ systems and body functions. Soon, I was beginning to feel better, both inside and out, even better than when I left the Academy.

Now, I spent my days waking up at the crack of dawn, heading out to practice swordplay in the clearing in front of the cottage either by myself or with Aaron. Sometimes, Matthew went on hunting trips and invited us along. Both Aaron and I improved our archery skills under Matthew's patient guidance, and soon we were able to hunt wild game on our own. Other times, Martha would plan for a picnic outing for the whole family, Aaron and I included. We would follow unknown trails into the forest and emerge into clearings filled with wildflowers, or hike up the rocky cliff walls and find a majestic waterfall. I marveled again and again at the amount of natural wonders this hidden paradise had to offer.

At night, we ate by candlelight around the dinner table. The food was simple—some homegrown vegetables, some wild-game that Matthew hunted—but it was delicious. Martha often made dessert, and I have to say I absolutely love her blackberry pies. After dinner, when all the dishes were done and the table was cleared, we would congregate in the living room. A fire would burn in the fireplace, providing warmth and light for the cottage. That's when Matthew would tell us stories, of his youth, of legends of Crystallea, and of mystical places in other worlds. Other times, we would go outside to look at the stars, which blanketed the night sky as if someone had knocked over the salt shaker on a black marble countertop. They were so bright, and seemed so close that you could practically reach out and touch them. I loved to lie down on the grass and look up at the night sky, enjoying the nighttime sounds and the beauty of the stars.

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