Chapter 16

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"INDIGO!" I screamed as I barreled towards her fallen figure lying on the street. I skidded to a stop on my knees. "Indigo! Indigo—oh no." There was so much blood. It was gushing from the knife wound in her stomach and formed a puddle around her. I felt her pulse gingerly, fearing what I would find. Nothing. "Indigo!" I was panicking so hard right now. "Indigo!"

I heard a rustle behind me. Spinning around, I saw the man who stabbed Indigo trying to crawl away, the long gash on his back bleeding through his shirt. With a roar, I jumped up and kicked him in the ribs hard. He collapsed on the floor, groaning. "It's all your fault!" I picked up my sword and stabbed him. He screamed in pain, writhing in agony. Retracting my sword, I pulled back to stab him again.

"Aaron! Stop!" Katherine appeared at my side and grabbed my wrist.

"He stabbed Indigo!" I was seeing black spots; I was so angry. Angry and filled with pain.

"Aaron, calm down. You already stabbed him." Katherine's soothing voice tried to reason with me.

"He killed Indigo! He killed her!" My breath came out in ragged gasps. I had to avenge my friend. I had to kill the man who killed her. Wrenching my arm from Katherine's grasp I brought the sword down on the man lying in front of me.

Clang! A sword blocked my blow, quivering slightly from the blow. "I don't want to fight you Aaron, but I will if I have to," Katherine's quiet voice spoke. "You should take a look at Indigo. Maybe it's not too late." With that, all my anger suddenly dissipated. Dropping my sword, I sank to my knees, all the fight having gone out of me.

"Indigo," I whispered. "Can you save her?"

Katherine placed a hand on my shoulder, calming and strong. She nudged me, and I looked up to see Rachel kneeling next to her fallen friend, pushing every last drop of magic she had to heal Indigo. The yellow magic branched out and spread, its tendrils swirling. It gave the area around them a warm yellow glow.

Ashley was up and about, casting spells. "Oblitus." The curious people who poked their heads out of their houses to investigate withdrew, without a single memory of what they've seen. "Obscuro." An invisible spell was cast, and the magic was hidden from the sights of nosy wanderers. It would appear to anyone else that we were huddled around our fallen friend, giving medical attention. No one would see the yellow magic wrapping around Indigo, healing her.

"Katherine." Rachel said weakly. "Katherine, I need some power." Immediately understanding, Katherine placed her hand in Rachel's outstretched palm. Closing her eyes and concentrating, Katherine sent some of her magic through to Rachel, who in turn used it to continue healing Indigo.

Gradually the wound closed and some color returned to Indigo's cheeks, even though she was still deathly pale. Rachel felt her pulse and shook her head. Still nothing. Katherine furrowed her brow in concentration and I watched as blue sparks danced down her fingertips and mixed with the fading yellow of Rachel's. "Heal." I heard Katherine whisper faintly. "Heal."

Indigo's eyelids fluttered. I gasped and rushed to her side, pushing Lucian and Ashley aside. "Indigo?" I asked, breathless. "Indigo, can you hear me?" Rachel placed a hand on Indigo's chest. "There's a faint heartbeat," she reported.

I grasped Indigo's hand in mine. "Please wake up, Indigo," I whispered. "Please." She was not going to die. No way. In my heart, I already valued her more than just a friend. I heard rumors that she had a crush on me too, but dismissed them because I wasn't sure how I felt yet. But now, at this critical moment, I knew. I did like Indigo more than just a friend. So for more reasons than one, I did not want her to die.

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