Chapter Twelve

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I stood there for a moment in shock.


"After I left the store, I went to Mickey and Mandy's house to try and get the gun back. I went into Mickey's room and threatened him and told him to give me the gun back. He started punching me and then all of a sudden, he kissed me, and..." Ian trailed off, not looking at me.

"You had sex with him?" I asked gently.

He nodded, going over to sit on his bed. I followed and sat next to him.  He pulled the gun out of his pocket and set it on the floor at his feet.

"Well, at least you got the gun back." I said.

Ian ignored me and put his head in his hands.

"What am I gonna tell Kash?" He asked.

"You don't have to tell him anything, Ian. You're not his boyfriend, you're his fuck buddy. You're not obliged to tell him anything." I said.

Ian picked his head up and looked at me.

"I guess you're right. Hey listen, I think I'm gonna get some sleep."

I nodded and stood up.

"Okay. Goodnight."



"What do we need at the store?" Fiona asked the next morning. She was standing at the kitchen counter, writing a grocery list on a napkin.

"Diapers for Liam!" I said to her. She nodded and wrote it down.

"There's a field trip at school today and I need 27 dollars." Carl announced. Fiona looked up and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Carl. I need my money for the store."

I looked at Carl's crestfallen face and dug into my jeans pocket, searching for my half of my most recent pay from Kash. The rest was given to Fiona, but I saved some for myself. I laid the bills on the table and counted out exactly 30 dollars. I handed it to my little brother.

"Here. Take it. Use the extra 3 dollars to buy food or something."

Carl smiled at me.

A phone rang now and we all looked up.

"That's mine." said Steve, who was still in our house. He got up, answering his call and walking into the living room.

I heard him murmuring quietly and I stared at him. Who could he possibly be talking to?

He came back in a couple minutes later, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Who was that?" asked Fiona.

Steve looked up.

"Oh. That was Candace. Some girl I work with, no big deal." He waved his hand in dismissal. Fi narrowed her eyes at him as she clicked her pen.

"Okay, come on guys, get going!" She said. We all stood up, got on our coats, and went to where we needed to be.


Later that day, Ian and I were walking to work. We entered the store and saw Linda and Kash staring up at the security camera that Kash redirected.

They both turned when they saw us and Linda beckoned us closer.

"Oh good. You both are here. I just wanted to show you something. I think the cameras are broken." She said.

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