The awkward introduction pt1

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My life really isn't that different from everyone else's I get up go to work then come home and write, its not glamorous but I love it if I can make at lest one other person happy or just help them escape from their problems for awhile then its worth all the effort I put into it. I have no real life friends just people online with whom I talk occasionally also role play silly I know but I'm a fairly private person and I've been known for my social awkwardness and that causes me to avoid most people who tend to be very judgmental of the lack of people skills but I digress. My story starts one night after I got home from another boring day at work now typically I'd go to the kitchen to make myself something to eat but not tonight I went straight up to my room and went through my routine of bathing then getting comfortable so I could freely and comfortably express my inner feelings about my favorite characters whom I'd been thinking of all day. I sat down and got all snuggled up under my blanket and happily tapped away on my key bored as I did I felt an odd sense of being watched glancing up I scanned my room feeling a little silly in doing so, nothing just as I had suspected I'm being overly paranoid again. I went back to my writing thinking of all the wonderful things the characters would say and do making my paranoia vanish instantly when I heard a small thump, I looked up quickly towards my bedroom door. The hall light shown in my dimly lit room no shadows I thought to myself must have been my cat I sighed feeling silly again and went back to typing, but that overwhelming feeling of being watched continued to eat at me until I reluctantly looked back up and seen a black shadow move from view in my door way. I abruptly shot up from my relaxed position my heart pounded as I panicked at the thought of what to do, I reached for my phone and hesitated calling the police what if it was my imagination I thought as I pulled my hand back I should go check first just to make sure, I grabbed my phone as I stood up slowly watching the door walking around my bed I looked down to see my cat curled up in her bed "well I know it wasn't you." I whispered softly looking back up at the door. I slowly peeked my head around the frame and scanned the hall for any would be murders, seeing the coast was clear I walked out looking into the extra room to the side of my door, I walked in the room and quickly turned the light on I then proceeded to the closet I took a deep breath and swung the door open, nothing, I exhaled in relief then turned to see the shadow quickly move down the stairs but not before I seen the brown hair of a man vanish passed the landing. My heart pounded like I'd just ran a marathon I was frozen in fear, I talked myself down trying to think of a logical explanation like maybe my cat had ran from my yanking the door open or that I was tired and needed some rest, thinking these things helped me regain some courage to move to the stairs.

I carefully poked my head out looking for any signs of a person, I made my way down the stairs slowly trying to be careful of the squeaky steps, I looked though the railing into the living room and saw no one, but as I made it off the stairs I heard another small thump from the den walking forward I felt like a animal being lead to a trap, I quickly pushed this thought from my head as I made it though the doorway, two lamps dimly lit the room on each side I seen nothing out of the ordinary as I stepped in further looking behind the sofa and recliner. I shook my head as I thought I was going crazy, then out of nowhere a man fell into me as I turned to leave the room, my hands automatically pushed forward to protect myself his body twisted to the side and fell with a loud thud onto the wood floor. I quickly ran from the room and to the stairs but stopped as I heard a weak grunt come from the man behind me, I turned and looked down at the man who was laying motionless on the floor my brain told me to keep running and call the police but my heart screamed for me to help him. I stood a moment watching him as guilt flooded over me I sighed and made my way down the stairs, I paused at the bottom examining him for a second before I continued over to him. "hey are you ok?" I asked trying to hide the fear in my voice, no answer, I knelt down beside him and reached my hand out to feel for a pulse but he shot up and quickly grabbed my hand, I fell backwards trying to pull away from him but he was too strong, tears ran down my face as I still struggled knowing it was in vain "help" he muttered as he winced at the fact I was twisting his body all over. His what he said slowly sunk into my terrified mind I stopped pulling and just stared at him trying to make sense of the situation "what's wrong?" I whimpered still unsure of what was happening he huffed as if he was trying to speak but nothing came out. Fear was soon replaced by guilt as I stood up his hand slipped effortlessly from around mine and fell to the floor, I bent down and put his arm around my neck "I'll help you to the sofa ok?" I said looking at him from the corner of my eye, he nodded then I began to lift as he placed his feet under himself I moved forward slowly finally getting him to the sofa I let him down gently moving my head from under his arm. "who are you? And why and how are you in my house?" I questioned him in a huff trying to regain my breath, he sat for a minute "you wouldn't believe me and it doesn't matter anyway I'll leave soon so don't worry." He said weakly as he gripped his stomach, I tried to understand what he had just said as his words bounced around in my head "You're in my home in the middle of the night and that's all you have to say. I think I deserve an explanation." I said staring down at him blankly and waited for his response, he looked up at me with a small smile "Ok fine if you really want to know I'm Gabriel, the archangel and I'm somehow back from the dead after my brother Lucifer, the devil killed me. And the closes place I could find that seemed safe was your house, so here I am do you have any other questions you'd like to ask?" he said looking me straight in the eyes, he didn't even blink this guy is freaking crazy I need to get out of here I thought as a smile formed back on his face "nothing? No other questions, good so if you'll excuse me I'm feeling a little better now so I'll just go." he said slowly standing up arms still around his stomach. I just stood watching him as he made his way to the backdoor all he said ran through my head as he opened the door and slowly stepped out, suddenly he turned back towards me "really? You have nothing to say? Not even a, you're crazy get out of my house you freak or oh that's interesting nice to meet you." he said stepping back towards the door I didn't know what to say my brain wouldn't let me speak for fear he may try to kill me if I said what I really thought "Ok now you're freaking me out with that ice cold stare, but you're really gonna let an injured man just walk out like this?" he sighed looking away pathetically "I um don't understand, if you are really an angel why are you hurt that doesn't make sense." I said nervously he narrowed his eyes at me "there is alot you won't understand trust me and a shit load that doesn't make sense, but sometimes you just have to roll with it. Here I'll prove I'm an angel think of something you and only you know. Now pray to me in your head and tell me what it is." he said walking back in the door. I thought for a moment then decided since he was obviously crazy but super hot I'd play along but as I was trying to think of something a big smile spread on his face "you think I'm crazy but I'm really hot so your gonna play along so you can be around me longer." he chuckled as I felt my face blushed "wha, no no that's totally wrong." I said quickly waving my hands trying to dismiss the idea.

"You can't hide it from me, I'm an angel remember?" he smiled walking to the recliner, he sat down gently as the pain he felt showed on his face "ah, that's better." he muttered sitting back "but how? You can't be," I said with a confused pause "well I hate to burst your bubble but I am and I need your help." he said as his eyes scanned the room studying it "No angel warding, I need you to get me some paper." he said looking back to me "paper? Angel warding? Wait a damn minute ok. I still can't believe that I'm talking to someone who just broke into my house and calls himself an archangel, God I must be going insane. Why am I still talking to you? I should be on the phone with the cops right now." I muttered half to myself and to him "look I don't have time to just let you adjust to the idea, I can't let them find me. Not yet anyway." he sighed looking down. I walked over to the old wooden desk and fumbled though it looking for the requested paper, pulling it out I looked back over at him watching my every move then back down at the paper, why am I doing this he should be in handcuffs right now I thought "well I could be if you play your cards right. Now can I have that and a pen please." he said suddenly startling me a little I looked back at him "can you not do that? I don't appreciate the invasion of privacy especially when your reading my mind or whatever." I said rolling my eyes as I walked the required items over to him. "I'll try not to, but it's hard when you keep thinking about me." he smiled taking the items then quickly started drawing odd symbols, I walked over to the sofa and sat down with my hands on my face trying not to think about him for fear he'd intrude again "Ok I need you to help me draw these at certain points in the house." he said holding the paper for me to see, I looked at it for a moment studying the drawings "what the hell arevyou on? That's not right, and that defiantly isn't either." I said frowning as I checked it "wait you know what these are? That's impossible." he said sitting back "well I've seen these before I don't remember where but I know that those won't work." I sighed grabbing the paper and pen from him.

"there, this should do the trick." I said rechecking my work, I moved the paper for him to see then looked up at him "impressive but how do you know these?" he questioned looking from the paper to me I just shrugged "I told you I don't know I just do." I sighed "Well I think I have some paint somewhere. I'll go check." I said as I got up. I came back and seen him following the wall carving the symbols in the wall with a odd silver blade "hey no! You can't do that I'm renting here!" I yelled running over to him I tried to grab the blade from him "hey no! Don't you dare try to grab my blade." he said putting his hand on my forehead holding me back as I struggled to get it, he looked back to the wall and continued carving.

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