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We sit for an hour as I read and reread the books. "so I found a James Abernathy in Florida and one about two hours from here." Sam says "well looks like we have an hour drive ahead of us." Dean says placing the book back in the table "you two go, I'll stay here and see if I can't find anything else." I say not lifting my eyes from the book in my hand "Ok well we'll call you and let you know what we find." Sam says before they both leave. I sit rereading and rereading. I feel like I'm missing something. This can't be all. I sit the book down with a sigh. "so find anything else?" Gabriel asks making me jump "damn what is with you all!" I snap placing a hand on my chest "sorry." he chuckles leaning back in his chair "anyway. No I haven't but Sam and Dean are checking out a James about and hour from here." I say "ah good cuz I couldn't find jack." Gabriel sighs "I figured but somethings bothering me. I feel like I'm missing something." I say "ya that book." Gabriel says rasing an eyebrow "No not that it's something else." I say rolling my eyes "well I'm sure you'll figure it out." he says with a smile "ya ya seems like you could how about you read these and see if you see anything." I say sliding the books towards him "already did and I do know what you're talking about it looks like a few pages were removed." he says before the book flips open I examine and see the ripped pages "ah I knew it ended to abruptly." I say with a smile "well looks like you're on this but that doesn't help anything." he says with a sigh "ya it doesn't but I might have another way." I say holding my smile before I run up stairs.

I walk back in with my hands full "what're you doing?" Gabriel asks as he stands up beside me "well I'm going to do a spell." I say as I prepare the ingredients in my mixing bowl "what kinda spell?" he asks as he sniffs a viail "well some witches do Astral projection for a number of reasons but in this case I could use something important to follow this James's path and see what he wrote that night." I say as I grab the bottle from him "isn't that dangerous?" he asks "kinda but we have to know what those pages said and now so." I say "you are right about that." he says running a hand through his hair "but be careful ok." he adds before I take a small piece of a page from the book and mix it in. "here goes nothing." I say before quickly drinking the mixture "ta'vu ku'su da." I say before I slowly feel myself slip away.

I open my eyes to see the book infront of me but my body is not my own, it's worked. I watch the hand write away before I heard a low pitched buzz then my head turns to see a small white light whispers fill the room "seraphim?" a unfamiliar voice says taking me by surprise, that's right I'm looking through James's eyes. A indistinguishable voice says something breaking me from thought "Gazriel?" James's voice asks as he stands, wow this is weird. "yes." a voice says softly before I hear a small thud "write." the voice says again before the light slowly fades "wait! What do you want me to write?" James asks before grabbing the book then looking around at the now empty room "damn it." he mutters before tossing the book on his desk then sitting back down. He continues writing before he opens the book Gazriel left, it's unreadable. I assume it's in another language I can't read but he goes back to writing. The key is within reach. We will walk among you unknown by our brothers. We silently guard we always watch, you will only find us when we allow it. holy holy holy, My vision begins fading and I can't read anymore, damn it the spell is wearing off, I need more time. All goes black before I find myself laying on my couch with Gabriel sitting beside me "hey you're back." he says with a smile "find anything?" he asks as I sit up "kinda but the spell wore off to fast. Did Sam and Dean find anything?" I ask looking at my phone "No not yet. This James isn't home I guess so they're gonna wait around." he says with a sigh "Ok well I need my notebook." I say before walking to the kitchen.

I write down what I'd seen and Gabriel reads along over my shoulder "holy holy holy." he says before letting his voice drop "hm that's interesting." he adds "dose it mean anything to you?" I ask "not a bit. But it might be a clue. Here come with me and we can read some more." he smiles before we appear in the same office as the other day "yay more reading." I sigh making Gabriel smirk "you know you love spending time with me." he says glancing over at me "maybe I do." I say before quickly realizing my honesty "maybe I like it too." he says in a serious tone before grabbing a book. I stand watching him a moment before I decide to drop the matter and help find something, it won't do any good to make this an awkward situation.

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