pt. 31

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We stop in front of the building and I put the car in park before rummaging through my bag "what're you doing?" Gabriel asks looking over at me from the passenger seat I glance at him "making sure I have everything I need." I say with a chuckle "No I mean what are we doing here? We have other things to worry about." he says with a sigh "a friend needs my help so I'm going to help." I say before quickly getting out "look I know a lot gone on lately but this," he says as he follows me to the door "Gabriel please just let me do this, I can't keep on the same way I have I'll go crazy of I do." I say softly "fine." he says reluctantly "I understand." he adds before opening the door for me "thank you Gabriel, this won't take long I promise." I say with a smile before walking in.

We stop at the apartment door, this is going to be weird. I knock a a quick second later he answers the door "hey Nick." I smile awkwardly and he smiles back his blue eyes sparkling down at me "hey," he chuckles before quickly hugging me "oh," I mutter in surprise "so how's it been?" I ask before pulling back "good good just been having some weird stuff going on and figured it was right up your alley." he sighs before stepping back "so come on in." he adds motioning for us to enter I walk in with Gabriel close behind "so who's this?" nick asks looking Gabriel up and down "oh sorry this is my friend Gabriel." I say "Well nice to meet you Gabe." nick smiles as he puts his hand out Gabriel looks down at his hand then back up to his eyes "ya nice to meet you." he mutters coldly before turning away from him "Ok you aren't a shaker oh well. Anyway should I get to why I called after 3 years?" nick asks as he walks into his small kitchen Gabriel and I follow "ya sure you said something about being attacked." I say stopping by his kitchen table "ya something like that. It happened along time ago and it's a long story so I hope you have time." he chuckles before turning back to face us "coffee?" he asks "ya thanks and start from the beginning." I say as I sit down.

A few minutes pass as nick explains that he'd been possessed for most of the time I'd known him "so did I ever really know you?" I ask feeling very confused "ya you met me, the first day I'd seen you at the store and the two dates we had." he answers then takes a small sip from his cup "Ok well do you know what was possessing you?" I ask "Lucifer." Gabriel quickly answers as he walks over to the table "The devil?" I say wide-eyed looking up at Gabriel "ya actually he's right, how did you know?" Nick asks narrowing his eyes at Gabriel "You stabbed me, well Lucifer did. I'm his brother." Gabriel sighs "Gabriel the archangel?" Nick asks and Gabriel nods "well this is awkward." Nick scoffs before standing "ok ya it is but if this already happened then why'd you call me?" I ask "well I'm worried I don't remember how I came back though I do remember that I'd died so I'm afraid he may try to posses me again." Nick says "has there been any signs?" I ask "no, I keep having flash-backs of the things he made me do and they seem to be getting worse." he says running a hand through his hair "so let me interrupt for just a second. You two dated?" Gabriel asks looking between us "ya just a few dates that's all." I say before clearing my throat "i would have been more I hope if I hadn't been an idiot." Nick says smiling over at me, oh god this is awkward. "ya ya, I think so." I say quickly Gabriel frowns his brow at me then looks to Nick "anyway let's get back to why you called me here, has anything else happened to make you think he may be trying to posses you again?" I ask trying to change the very awkward subject "No not really, though I've been seeing shadows too." he answers "just shadows?" I ask "ya and some lights like little balls hovering around but I can't ever look right at them they move to quick." he says as he turns and fills his cup "ok so basic paranormal activity. I'm sure after something like that weird stuff is bound to happen but I'd take per cautions maybe go to a holy figure and have them cleanse you." I say trying to understand why he'd call me here, nothing abnormal is happening and the guy's been possessed by Satan himself I don't see why a few shadows and lights bother him. "I've thought about that but am I really worthy?" Nick asks softly "why would he bring me back? maybe it wasn't him actually I don't think it was at all I think it was Lucifer." he says sadly I look over at Gabriel and he shrugs "I think you were brought back for a bigger reason Nick I don't think you should feel so guilty we've all made mistakes." I say as I stand "Really have you made the mistake of letting the devil possess you?" he asks turning to look at me "no not that exactly but I've made similar mistakes with evil trust me they can get the better of you I know." I say as I move to stand beside him he smiles down at me "thanks." he mutters "that makes me feel a little better." he adds with a chuckle.

I spend another hour or so with Nick before I notice Gabriel and is increasing distance from us "well I should go. I have things to do but please if you need anything just call ok." I smile as I stand from the couch "thanks for talking with me I really appreciate it, it's helped alot." he says before giving me a tight hug "anytime Nick." I say as I pat his back. I close the door behind me and follow Gabriel down the hall "I hope that wasn't to weird or anything." I say rushing to walk beside him "No it wasn't the guys fault." Gabriel says "ya well I just wanted to make sure you seemed uncomfortable." I say trying to study his face for any answer he just shakes his head as he continues walking, I can’t help but feel like he isn't telling the truth but I definitely don't want to push him I mean I can understand why he'd feel whatever he's feeling after seeing the face of someone who'd killed you so I'll just drop it for now.

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