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I couldn't face him I can barely look myself in the mirror am I a bad person? All I've wanted was passion I've wanted someone to want me I've wanted Gabriel and this is what happens maybe I'm being punished for wanting him I brush the tears away with a kleenex as I sit on the side of the bathtub then I hear a knock at the door "Hello young lady. May I speak with you?" Gazriel's voice asks through the door "ya just come on in I know you can anyway so I didn't bother locking it." I scoff he opens the door and steps in closing it behind him "so I'm told you have certain feelings?" he questions before leaning back against the door "ya." I mutter feeling even more ashamed "you shouldn't put yourself down miss. It really wasn't your fault Michael is just sick." Gazriel tries to explain "No you don't get it he picked up on what I've wanted." I mutter before tossing the kleenex into the trashcan "he knew what I was thinking and what to do to me." I mutter feeling even more embarrassed "Indeed I can do that aswell with a simple touch. Shall I show you?" he asks before walking over "No no I'm good thanks I'll just take your word for it, I've been molested enough by angels today." I say quickly "don't be silly I wasn't going to get physical." he chuckles before sitting next to me "if it wasn't my fault then why did he do this to me?" I ask to change the awkward subject "you've been struggling with certain feelings haven't you?" he asks "ya." I mutter feeling even more embarrassed "I assume that you've been wanting and inadvertently prying for a solution perhaps?" he asks raising an eyebrow "I didn't think I was really putting it out there," I answer quickly "maybe not consciously but I assume Michael somehow picked up on your feelings and him being a savior of sorts with also not being in the right state of mind assumed this role in the way you needed." he says matter-of-factly "that kinda makes sense." I say feeling a little relief "yes I suppose it does." Gazriel chuckles "now about these feelings." he adds with a sigh and I immediately tense up "calm yourself child I won't say alot but I have a good guess what or whom rather they are for. I won't mention the name but we both know yes?" he asks looking at me with raised eyebrows and I nod feeling ashamed again "I don't approve but it is not my choice. So I suggest this get cleared up before it causes more problems than necessary." he says with a sigh "I can't," I mutter "then I'll have to intervene. I'll send him elsewhere. If you can't deal with your emotions then it's best for both if you separate." he says as he stands the tears come flowing back "I'm sorry but it'll be for the best." he says softly I nod "if you need anything you can call me from now on. I'll also need the necklace please." he adds putting his hand out I quickly undo the necklace and reluctantly place it in his hand "thank you miss." he says before quickly disappearing. I sit sobbing unable to fully comprehend what'd happened, did I just lose Gabriel? "No! You listen to me! you aren't going to keep me from talking to her!" I hear Gabriel's voice from outside the door. I quickly stand up and rush to the door flinging it open to see Gazriel holding Gabriel back. Gazriel looks at me out of the corner of his eye "Gabriel I don't want you to leave I l," I say but before I can complete my sentence they dissappear "love you." I say sadly before breaking down again.

Three long weeks pass with out even a sign of Gabriel, a feeling of emptiness is overwhelming all I can do is sit at home and cry mostly in regret for not telling him sooner how I really felt. I go down stairs to the kitchen and get a glass of water different scenarios running through my head but as soon as I enter the kitchen I'm overcome with the nauseous feeling again I notice the temperature drop before looking around in a bit of a panic "Michael?" I question in a whisper "yes." I hear a response from beside me. I look to see him standing it a shroud of soft light "what are you doing here?" I ask as I rub my arms trying to warm them "I told you I was your savior." he says looking a little sad "No Michael, you're confused please just listen to me ok?" I ask before taking a few steps towards him "I can feel your pain and I can remove it." he says "Michael, you don't understand," I mutter "No! I do. Everything is clearer than its ever been. I need you and you need me." he says softly as he runs his hand gently down my cheek "Michael." I whisper "why?" I add before taking a deep breath trying to steady my breathing "it's ment to be, you belong with me." he says with a smile "No. No I do not Michael. I don't know what happened to you but from what I do know this isn't right. You need to go with Gazriel." I say as I gently move his hand away from my face "Gazriel is a liar. You would know this if you didn't spend all day longing for Gabriel." he snaps as he quickly turns and walks across the room "Gazriel isn't doing father's work. I've talked to father and he, well he was indifferent about his plans for us." he adds with a sigh "what dose that even mean?" I ask "it means this isn't over. Not as long as I can do anything about it." he says turning his head to look at me then quickly disappearing and with those last words I haven’t seen Michael, Gazriel, or Gabriel in about a year so I moved on, literally, I moved across country found a new job and have a wonderful social life with my new fiance. I feel horrible about it too but I can’t do this I couldn't hold on to the fantasy but I'll just have to remember my short time with him and hope that he's alright. Gabriel if you can somehow hear me I'm sorry but this, I have no control over and I had waited as long as I could. I have to grow up and I should've sooner, I needed to tell you how I felt but I was scared and unsure like the child I was and that mistake I will regret for the rest of my life but it's my burden to bare. "honey, what are you doing?" Nick asks making me look from the window over at him "oh nothing, just a little nervous about my first day tomorrow." I smile as I wrap my arms around his waist. He returns my embrace with a small laugh "you'll do fine trust me. I think this move will be good for us." he says before kissing the top of my head "ya, I think so too." I mutter with a smile "I'll go unpack the kitchen if you'll take those boxes upstairs." I add as I give him a quick kiss and head off to the kitchen "sure thing" Nick says then turns to the window a smile spreading across his face as he locks eyes with Gabriel standing across the yard.

Nick steps outside quietly closing the door behind him "Gabriel, how nice to see you here. You should really come to the front-door like a normal person." he say stopping a few feet from Gabriel "cut the crap lucifer." Gabriel snaps with a glare "lucifer? What on earth are you talking about?" nick laughs making Gabriel's frown intensify "Ok ok, you caught me. How'd you know?" lucifer smiles cutting his eyes at Gabriel "You're a far cry from that sap I met before." Gabriel scoffs "What's your deal huh?" Gabriel adds "I thought I sold it but maybe I have more work to do on my Nick persona. Anyway I don't have a deal just living a life." lucifer says "oh stop it, you think you can lie to me luci? I know there's a reason so just tell me." Gabriel snaps taking a step forward "Gabriel, it's cute when you try to act tough but we both know what happens when you do that little brother. So I don’t have to tell you a thing but I do suggest you run along while I give you the chance." lucifer growls his tone turning cold "this isn't over." Gabriel sighs "I'll be back." he adds before disappearing "ya I'm sure you will." lucifer smiles at where Gabriel was before turning and walking back in.

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