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After returning home Gabriel still seems somewhat distant but fairly normal, I suppose it must have been hard to see the face of the man that killed you. "hey, you dated that Nick guy right?" Gabriel asks making me look up from my book "ya a few dates why?" I ask a little taken back by his question "just wondering that's all." he says with a sigh, ok I guess but that's a really weird thing to ask "so is he like, your type or whatever?" he asks making me frown "um, I guess I don't really know. Is there a particular reason you're asking this?" I ask "no, I was just wondering that's all." he says as he intently studies my face "Ok." I mutter before looking back down at my book "if you had a type what would it be?" he asks making me look back at him in surprise "ah I don’t know, I don't think I have a type." I answer and he nods "what do you look for in a guy then?" he asks "um, well he has to be nice, I don't like douche bags, and well a sense of humor is always a plus I think personality matters most out of everything I don't really care about the physical aspects as long as we get along." I answer feeling a little uncomfortable "why do you ask?" I ask rasing an eyebrow at him "I don't know I guess I'm just curious." he chuckles before looking out the window "Gabriel what's up? Seriously you're asking some weird questions." I say as I place my book down "nothing really, I've just noticed I haven’t really gotten to know you that much so I figured I'd ask some questions. Sorry if it seems weird." he says softly "I see, well I don't mind it's actually nice thanks for caring enough to ask." I say with a smile "ya well you are my friend after all." he chuckles.

Afternoon turns to night as Gabriel and I talk, he asks several different questions and I happily answer, it's nice to know he wants to get to know me more. "you know I'm really happy you want to get to know me," I say with a big smile as I cross my legs and face him on the couch "but why all the sudden?" I ask "I don't know, I've been thinking alot lately and I haven't tried to and I call you my friend so I figured to honestly say that I should put in more of an effort, ya know." he says and I nod "hey you want a drink?" he asks and I nod again, I don't know what's really going on with him but I'll take his word for it, we talk and have a few drinks Gabriel telling me some odd stories of his adventures as he calls them and I tell a few of my own. "so how long were you with him?" Gabriel asks as he takes another drink "who mark?" I ask as I take drink "um ya the guy you were just talking about duh." he chuckles I cut my eyes at him with a playful frown "for four and a half years." I answer then quickly look down at my glass, the memories of my relationship come flooding back "Wow so long? He must've been a special guy." Gabriel says with a half smile "something like that." I mutter with a sigh, aside from the verbal abuse when mark was drunk we were ok he just had his demons I suppose. After a moment I notice the awkward silence in the room and look over at Gabriel who is staring intently at me "sorry, got lost in memories." I laugh trying to break the tension "tell me." he says quickly "tell you what? My memories?" I ask and he nods "I don't know they aren't that interesting." I say before I finish my drink "I'd still like to know." he says as he takes my glass and fills it before handing it back "well when he wasn't drunk we'd go hiking, I suppose those are some interesting stories but still the same." I say feeling uncomfortable, I really don't want to talk about him "Well go ahead then." he chuckles after a moment of silence "I'm working on it, I just don't know where to start." I sigh "anywhere is fine just pick the best one." he says as he fills his glass "well that's the problem, all of the stories start and end the same, he takes me out hiking or whatever to appease me after the night of nothing but fighting then after he feels I'm happy enough he starts his harsh criticism about how I handle certain aspects of my life and that could be anything from how I spend my money to how I load the dishwasher. So I'm sorry it's taking me some time to find a truly happy memory." I down the contents of my glass before sitting back in a huff "sorry, I didn't know if I had I wouldn't have suggested it." he says softly "it's ok, I know. I just need a minute." I mutter before I stand and walk to the bathroom.

I close the door behind me and take a deep breath, I don't know why I'm getting so worked up, I think it's just the memories of how mark got in my head. He was good at making me believe it was all my fault and I'd truly done something wrong it's only recently I've been able to accept he and some others were just manipulative bastards but the scars remain. Maybe that's why I try to cling to people, maybe I'm just hoping for a happy ending to my so far miserable life. I bite my lip desperately trying to hold in the warm tears forming in my eyes I quickly rub them away, stop it, feeling sorry for yourself hasn't gotten you anywhere before. I take a deep breath and turn to look at myself, get yourself together this is supposed to be a fun time with a friend. Oh god how I hate that word it takes a piece of my heart every time he or I say it but that aside I have to stay strong for the friendship. I walk back out and hold my now fake smile "sorry about that Gabe I had a moment." I chuckle "No I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried to force you to talk about." he says quickly as he stands shoving his hands in his pockets "you didn’t know dude its ok no need to make a big deal outa it. How about you tell me some more of your stories?" I ask as I pat his arm before passing him and taking my seat next to him.

We talk awhile longer the mood lighting with each of Gabriel’s comical stories "you never run out of interesting things to talk about do you?" I chuckle "No not really. I've been around for a long time." he says I nod and look at him for a moment my mind wondering, I wonder how his lips feel? I bet they're soft and warm maybe comforting enough to make me forget I quickly look away when he catches me, stop it damn it the alcohol isn't helping me at all. "are you ok?" he asks "ya I'm fine just had a moment that's all." I say quickly before taking a sip of my drink "I really should get to bed it's already 2." I add with a sigh "ya it is kinda late. I bet your tired." he says sounding a little sad "kinda, not really actually but I need to try to go to bed I guess." I sigh as I slowly stand my head becomes light and I sway forward slightly before catching myself "I think you had one to many." Gabriel snickers as he grabs my arm to help steady me "No no I'm fine." I chuckle awkwardly "Gabriel you know you asked me alot of personal questions. Can I ask you one?" I ask my heart immediately starts racing at the question dancing around in my brain, what the hell, no you can't ask him that. "ya sure." he smiles I hesitate wanting to desperately blurt out, do you like me?, but I chicken out after quickly weighing the consequences to the possible good. "why did lucifer rebel?" I stammer and as I do I can see the error in my dumb question his happy expression quickly turning to a frown "I'm sorry I didn't mean to," I mutter after a moment "No no, it's ok. I can understand your curiosity but it's something I'd rather not talk about." he says with a painful smile "I understand and I'm sorry anyway." I say quickly before making my way to the stairs "I'll see you in the morning Gabriel. Goodnight." I mutter before hurrying up.

The next morning I wake up to the sun hitting me square in the face, oh god what time is it? I turn and look at the clock showing 9:50. awesome, up early after a night of drinking, I roll back over and close my eyes for a moment and soon I'm lost in thought. Maybe I should've just asked him, but what if he'd said no or reacted badly to it? I guess that'd been better than asking what I did. I roll to my other side becoming uncomfortable in my own mind, damn it why do I do this? I open my eyes rolling to my back and stare up at the ceiling, I should just ask him and explain that I was scared. I sit up trying to gather the courage to move myself out of bed, the quicker I get up and do this the better. I quickly walk downstairs and look around "Gabriel?" I call out trying to retain my courage, prepare yourself, this could get weird I think before a sudden fear envelopes, a icey cold breeze feels the room. I stumbled back scared at the sudden temperature change when I bump into someone I quickly turn to see a man staring down at me the fear swelling in my throat my stomach turns making me feel nauseous "W-who are you?" I stumble over my words making a twisted smile form on his face  he grabs my arm pulling me face to face with him "you can call me Monster." he says softly before moving his lips inches from mine his cold breaths stinging my lips. The sudden advancement makes me instinctively pull back which seems to amuse him further "please don't, I promise I won't bite. hard." he says in the same soft tone holding his creepy smile. "who the hell are you? And why are you doing this?" I ask trying to talk through my rising panic "this is what you want right? You want to be wanted. You want some to take you right?" he asks tilting his head slightly his words make me freeze. "you really should be careful with those sinful thoughts." he snickers covering his mouth playfully which sends a shiver up my spine his playfulness is out matched by the coldness radiating from him "now where were we?" he adds brushing his fingers down my cheek.

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