empty pt.14

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The cold bites at my wet face, as I shuffle down the sidewalk "hey!" a voice shouts from behind me even with the wind I can tell it's Sam. I turn to see him jogging towards me from the impala parked a few feet away on the side of the road "Dean told me what happened," he huffs a cloud of smoke vanishing into the dark colored sky "ya so?" I say not really wanting anything to do with either of them right now "well I'm sorry for what he said and I know you're probably pissed right now but we need your help." he says looking a little desperate "let Dean handle it, he has it all figured out anyway." I say as I turn and continue down the sidewalk "Dean is an ass, there isn't anyway around that but don't let his bad attitude stop you from helping please, we need you right now." he begs, I stop feeling that familiar guilt I had mostly forgotten over the years, Dean was right, I was my fault. I shouldn't have ever agreed to help them and Dylan wouldn't have, I close my eyes taking a deep breath "what do you need?" I ask in a blank tone "come back with me, I'll send Dean off to to look into what I was so you don't have to be around him." he says with a smile as I turn to look up at him "ok I guess but I'm leaving tonight," I say with a frown "understood." he chuckles.

I walk back in, Dean sits at the table, Sam leans down and whispers something making Dean scoff before he grabs his jacket and walks out slamming the door behind him. "well that's solved." Sam sighs, I roll my eyes as I sit back down "so I'm sure he told you about Allocen," I say looking over at him "ya so you think she's going to summon him too?" Sam asks as he types on his computer "yes I do and I think I know where." I say making Sam look over at me "where?" he asks quickly grabbing for his phone "In a cemetery, cliche I know but the dead are a powerful thing in witchcraft, kinda like a power source." I say as he types again "the closes cemetery is here on the other side of town. I'll call Dean and have him check it out." he says as he steps out, I sit back and try to cool off, Dean's words still weigh heavy on my mind, I can't believe he'd say something like that. I look over as Sam walks back in "he's going to look." he says sitting back down "ok, well I'll see if I can't come up with anything more solid." I say before going back to the book.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee," Sam says after an hour or two "you want anything?" he asks before he opens the door "ya I'll take one too but I do need to go here in a little bit." I say, he gives me a nod and closes the door. I haven't seen Gabriel in about three days, I hope he isn't worried, I look down at the necklace he gave me, maybe I should pray to him and let him know I'm alright, hey he could probably help anyway he's an archangel after all. I grasp the stone and awkwardly begin praying, Hey Gabe it's me, I just wanted to let you know that I'm ok, if you're wondering. I'm just helping these two guys, Sam and Dean. Maybe you could come help too, I know you have your own problems but I could really use your help. I open my eyes and look around the room, nothing, I look back down at the stone in my hand, maybe I didn't do it right. I close my eyes again and begin praying when the door shakes me from my prayer, I open my eyes to see Dean and the anger comes flooding back as he stares at me "where's Sam?" he asks "out getting coffee." I say coldly looking away from him "alright." he says turning back to the door, as he opens it I look over to see his hesitation, he closes it and walks over to the table "look I'm sorry ok, I didn't mean what I said." he says quickly, I stay silent debating on what to say "I know you're still mad so I don't expect you to forgive me but I'm sorry anyway I was out of line." he adds with a sigh before turning to walk back out "it's ok." I say making him turn to look back at me "you sure?" he asks "ya, I can't stay mad, it won't do any good anyway." I sigh. "and I kinda deserve it, I should've known better." I add looking over at him "no, I was out of line, I've made mistakes too and I wouldn't want someone who knew nothing about me telling me something was my fault." he says as he sits down beside me "well we all make mistakes, so let's just move past this." I smile at him, he nods before dropping his head "you are an odd one." he smiles "you know I get that alot, so I'm not sure if it's a good thing." I say with a laugh "oh it's a good thing, a really good thing." he says softly turning his head to look at me. I smile and grab the book and begin reading again.

A few moment later Sam walks back in "Dean? what are you doing in here?" he asks handing me a coffee "this is my room too right?" Dean asks looking up at him "well ya but," Sam says looking between us "don't worry Sam, we're ok now." I say glancing over at Dean "even though he is an ass." I add with a smirk. Sam laughs as he sits down with us "well I'm glad you made up but have you found anything?" he asks as he looks through the note on the table "no not really, this is only the first book but I'm almost done with it and nothing still." I say as I turn the page "ya me too, nothing in this one." Dean says tossing his book on the table "so should we call it a night?" Sam asks looking between us "ya I should, probably get home anyway." I say with a yawn "wanna take me home Sam?" I ask "nah, Sam can stay here a read a little more I'll take you." Dean says as he stands, Sam frowns his brow up at him as Dean holds the door open for me "see ya tomorrow Sam." I smile with a small wave before I walk out.

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