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"so Gabriel huh? Looks like you two are real close." Dean says as he flips a few more pages. Gabriel had taken off at the request of help from Castiel and Sam lay snoring in his bed laptop still open "ya you could say that." I say glancing over at him "ya, so how long you two been a thing?" he asks still thumbing through his book "a thing? Like a couple? Never no way. that would never ever happen." I say quickly looking up at him. Dean stares over at me before a small smile spreads across his face "you like him huh? Like, like huh?" he says placing the book down I quickly shake my head "No way don't be silly." I say feeling my face blush "ya sure whatever you say." he chuckles before sitting back "he likes you too you know." he adds "No he doesn't. How would you know anyway?" I ask feeling my heart race "I can tell trust me. Besides he's dropping signs like no other," he says as he crosses his arms "like what signs?" I ask placing my book in my lap "well after you hit him and had your little married moment he sat staring at you with a stupid smile until I said something and from experience that means alot." he says "oh, well I don't think it does, we're just friends Dean that's all." I say trying to ignore these accusations "do you like him?" Dean asks "No I already told you." I sigh, I can’t do this damn it there isn't anything between us. We're just friends, Dean clears throat "not even a little." he asks again "nope." I say looking him in the eyes "Ok well just thought I'd let you know." he says as he grabs the book again. I pick up mine my mind racing trying to makes sense of what Dean said before standing "I'll be back I need to use the restroom." I say not making eye contact. I lock myself in and stand staring into the mirror before splashing my face with cold water, why'd he say that? Now I'm going to be all awkward around Gabriel again. I pat my face dry then take a deep breath and turn to walk out, the door swings open out of my hand as Dean pushes his way through closing it behind him "Dean what the hell?" I ask, he stares down at me his heavy breaths warm against my face. I try to move but Dean had pinned me against the wall "Dean this isn't funny" I say my heart beating faster and faster "I'm sorry" he says softly "fo," I mutter before my words are cut short by Dean's lips. My eyes widen my heart feels like it's going to explode, this feels so wrong what is he doing no stop before someone sees, I stand frozen our lips caressing each others in slow rhythmic movements. His hand handers up my side sliding under my shirt, no! Stop please, why am I letting him do this what if Gabriel sees. I close my eyes all doubt taken away when I feel his tongue touch mine. He stops suddenly pulling back a little "I'm sorry to be so forceful." he whispers before kissing down my neck "Dean, I-I don't think I can do this." I mutter making him pull away. He stares down a me in shock "wha, I'm um I'm sorry I didn’t mean," he says inching back slowly "No I, I'm just kinda confused. I didn't think that you thought of me this way." I say softly "I've been dropping hints but maybe I should’ve been more clear." he says with a small laugh "it's I don't know it's just complicated Dean. I don't really want this  anyway because it could never work between us you'll be gone and I don't want to get attached." I say as I push my way past him "I'm sorry I just need to go." I add as I walk to the room door "hey what's wrong?" Sam asks looking from me to dean standing in the bathroom door, I say nothing I just quickly grab my bag and run out.

I slam my front door behind me and throw my bag down, why would he do that I can't believe him he just doesn't understand. I sit on the stairs unable to make it up them, he isn't the one he could never be so why would he do this to me. I place my head in my hands feeling so broken-down but even in my confusion I knew the real problem I wanted to blame this on Dean but it's not his fault it's mine even with me and Dean the way we were all I could do is image Gabriel he's the one I want to be like that with but it won't happen it can't Gabriel dosen’t feel the way I do and even though I know that I can't help but save myself for him and only him. "I'm so stupid." I whisper through my tears before forcing myself to stand. "I was wondering when you'd arrive home." a familiar voice breaks me from my self-loathing forcing my head up to see Andras standing at the foot of the stairs "I've been waiting an awful long time my sweet and I believe that's what your kind would call rude." he smiles take a few steps up towards me. All sadness is immediately replaced by fear as I quickly turn to rush up the stairs. I stumble and fall a few times before making it to the second floor but the panic intensified when I ran straight into him "now is that any way to treat a guest?" he asks staring down at me.

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