A long road pt.15

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The ride home was fun Dean and I joked about several things, talked a little more about the hunts him and Sam had been on before we pulled up to my house "so I'll see you tomorrow, I'll try to look up some stuff while I'm at work if I can." I say as I grab the door handle "ya ok, hey I should come inside and make sure the place is safe." he says opening his door "oh no, it's fine trust me." I say thinking of Gabriel, I'm sure he's probably scoped the place out "how do you know that?" he asks looking at me over the top of the car "well, I, um I don't know but I don't want to inconvenience you. you should get back and get some rest." I say trying to get out of this quickly "it'll only take a second right, it's not a problem." he says walking around the car. I unlock the door and step in with Dean close behind me, he steps in further and I shut the door "see I told you, it's all good here." I say sitting my bag down "ya, so you have any beer?" he asks looking back at me "B-Beer? I thought you were gonna leave," I say giving him a suspicious look "ya well, we were having a good time, I just thought of the vampire hunt in Kentucky anyway, so get this," he says as we walk into the kitchen "we find out these people are going missing left and right," he continues as I pull out the six pack "Dean, I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanna ask why you wanna stay?" I ask as I turn placing the box on the table "well you've met Sam, he isn't all that much fun." he smiles pulling a beer out "ya, well it just seems weird but I am glad to have the company." I say before I touch the stone "so vampires right?" I add sitting next to him.

"so sammie is totally into this chick and I tell him, no sam it's a vamp I'm sure of it but he won't have any of it. Typical little tantrum ya know." Dean laughs taking a drink "so what'd he do run off?" I ask "ya and damn near got himself killed. Longer story short after Sam pulled his head outa his ass we ganked the whole nest." he says as he smiles nostalgicly "seems like an odd memory to be happy about but I have no room to talk, my family wasn't exactly normal." I sigh "well I've told you about us mostly. What about your strange past?" he asks taking another drink "well of course you know we're witches, I practiced since I could walk." I say moving the beer bottle between my hands "but the same old thing gets old after awhile ya know? So I made a very bad decision." I say before looking up at him "black magic right?" he asks not batting an eye "ya and it was fine at first, I was so in control and more powerful than you could even imagine then I met Mary." I say as I look back down "how long did you practice black magic?" he asks as I hear the click of the empty bottle on the table "two years give or take." I answer "well I don't really know what to say but you made the right choice it's just sad what happened." he says softly "ya well I knew better but I thought I had it all figured out and my brother paid that price." I say feeling my eyes begin to water slightly "so I stopped after I sealed Andras and told my parents ever and they didn't take well to the news. I was exhaled and forbidden to use magic." I say picking my bottle up then quickly downing it "so have you?" he asks looking over at the books I'd bought at the Witches Calderon "truthfully yes, just a small spell here and there nothing major beside not much they can do about it." I scoff "What's that mean?" he asks narrowing his eyes slightly "well my family won't do anything themselves the only way they could is to have an outsider do it for them, which they won't because it's against some ancient family thing." I mutter rolling my eyes "well that's weird right? Why even tell you to not do magic?" he asks "Because when I do magic well more like when I did magic with my family I used my ancestors power along with natural power to preform more complex spells like a good harvest or healing magic." I explain as I grab another beer "when I was exhaled I was cut off from my ancestral magic because they believe if I die my soul will condemn them all including the ones already passed I'm basically a cancer to them now." I sigh as I pop the top off the bottle "I see, but isn't there some way you could, i don't know, make up for it?" he asks "maybe, but probably not. They wouldn't care either way I actually got off light. I've seen them murder others in our family for much less and what I did was definitely a death sentence." I say glancing up at the clock, 2:45, man am I gonna be a zombie at work. Dean sits a moment before I look back down at him "Well I don't think you're a bad person, you just made a mistake that's all and what's most important is you learned from it." he says with a smile "thanks I appreciate that I really do." I say with a small yawn "I hate to cut this short but I should go to bed. Its been really nice sharing this though I don't think I've ever told anyone." I say as i stare over at him feeling a small connection "well I'm glad and I'm happy to listen, sometimes all we need is an ear." he says returning my smile as he stands. I follow him to the door "so me or sam will call if we find anything," he says placing his hand on the handle "Ok I'll do the same, although I don't know how much time I'll have for research." I chuckle "or I may call either way, you are so bad do hang out with." he adds making me drop my smile, don't just jump to conclusions, he's just being friendly. "ya ok that too." I say nervously before quickly smiling again. He stares at me a moment before opening the door and stepping out "goodnight," he says glancing back as he walks off the porch "goodnight Dean." I say before shutting the door.

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