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Gabriel! Gabriel! I shout in pain hoping he'd hear me. My fleash burns the pain so intense I wish for death but I'm already dead aren't I? I look around at the darkness surrounding me, how can I be burning? I don't see any flames. I let out scream after scream try to gain the attention of someone, anyone who could help me but it's in vain minutes turn to hours and what feels like days before I feel sweet relief or maybe more like a realization, I hear Gabriel's muffled voice calling me and the pain stops. The fear the sadness all of it just stop I finally realize what Andras has done he can't clam my soul without a deal so he's put me under, maybe more like deep down inside myself in all of my pain and misery to break me down and when I am completely broken he will stake his clam on me. Damn it Gabriel you saved me again. I feel a smile on my face before I open my eyes but to my surprise it's not Gabriel standing over me but Sam and I look to his side and see Dean kneeling down beside me "oh thank god we thought you were dead." Dean sighs "what how did you?" I ask before I begin coughing "just shut up you are in any condition to ask anything, we need to find Cas or Gabriel first." he says before picking me up.

Castiel appears moments later I look over at Dean and him talking across my room "hey try to drink some water." Sam says sitting beside me "I'm fine." I cough and with every stressed muscle I feel the sharpest pain imaginable ignite all over my body "just take it easy ok and try to relax." Sam says placing the glass on the nightstand as Castiel and Dean walk over. Sam moves allowing Castiel to sit beside me he then places a hand on my head and I feel a warm tingling sensation throughout my body "there I've healed you the best I can." he says with a nod before Gabriel's voice interrupts my thank you "what the hell is going on here?" he asks they all turn to look back at him and as they do our eyes meet and a look of horror washes over his face "Andras." is all he says before quickly disappearing again "damn it Gabriel come back here!" Dean yells looking up "I don't believe he will. Gabriel is quite angry." Castiel says looking back down at me "you could tell from just that quick second?" Dean asks with a frown "I didn't even need that long to know as soon as seen he'd be angry. Gabriel is boisterous and comical but I know one thing for sure if you hurt someone he cares for, well earth knows no wrath." Castiel says before he stands "I should go find him before he destroys half the planet looking for Andras." he adds looking between Sam and Dean "ya good idea." Sam says looking a little worried. Castiel dissappears and Sam sits back down beside me "So you feel any better?" he asks as I sit up "well I feel like nine kinds of hell but that's better than before so ya." I chuckle as I pick up the glass and quickly drink the water "so what happened here?" Dean asks stepping closer to us. I explain what happened as I look around at my crime scene esque room "and that's about it, I don't remember much more I blacked out a few times as you can see probably from blood loss." I sigh "ya well we're just glad you're alive." Sam says as he looks around "ya I guess." I say as I stand "I'm gonna clean up and change." I add as I walk out.

I stand in the shower letting the hot water run over my body which gives slight relief, Andras is right I should just give up. I'll admit that deep down some part of me clung to the fantasy that Gabriel might have feelings for me but I know he doesn't he's just mad Andras tried killing me before I could help him. I move my face under the water the simulation of drowning helped move my mind from hopelessness to survival. I move my head back taking a deep breath dwelling over this will do nothing I just need to detach. I walk out to see Sam pulling the bloody sheets off my bed "you don't have to do that" I say with a sigh "I know but you've been through alot so I didn't wanna leave you with the clean up too" he says with a smile "thanks Sam," I say walking over to him "so where's Dean?" I ask "he's out." Sam says as he pull off the pillow slips "where?" I ask again "just out, to get supplies." Sam says glancing over at me "ok well I'll go get my mop and bucket." I say still watching him as I leave the room. Great now Dean dosen’t even want to be around me.

As I'm filling the small bucket with warm water Sam walks in "so I got it all up as best as I could," he smiles "thanks." I say with a sigh "so did Andras get in your head or is it something else bothering you?" he asks before leaning on the counter next to me "a little of both I guess." I sigh glancing over at him "I see so is it Dean?" he says with a huff "not really," I say softly "me?" he says quickly "oh no definitely not." I chuckle as I pat his arm softly "I really don't know it's just alota stuff I guess." I add "well if you ever wanna talk I'm here." he smiles "I know and thanks so much for all that you've done." I say feeling my eyes water a little, they've done more for me than my own so-called family.

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