pt. 33

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He walks closer and I step back with each of his steps forward "please don't play hard to get. You can't hide your true feelings from me." he says before quickly grabbing my arm again "who the fuck are you?" I question in a shaky voice "please don't be afraid." he mutters through clenched teeth as he grips me tightly making me wench in pain "stop it!" I shout before pushing him back and to my surprise he releases my arm "Gabriel!!" I shout again before running to the kitchen "Gabriel won't help you. He knows better." he says making me turn to see him inches from me "now please let me fulfill your needs." he says with a sigh "no! Get away you freak!" I yell closing my eyes and quickly prying for Gabriel to save me "I told you already he won't come. Big brother is here so he knows better." he says with a slight chuckle "big brother?" I mutter as I open my eyes an look up at him he nods "lucifer?" I ask and he snickers covering his face playfully again "No silly." he says as he reaches his hand out lightly placing it on my cheek I'm transfixed on his eyes the burning cold from his hand almost soothing now "Michael?" I mutter softly he nods with a soft smile "You're Michael?" I ask feeling very confused he nods again before stepping uncomfortably close again "I'm your savior. I'll give you all the things you want and need." he says seductively. I'm so astonished I can't speak, how can this be Michael? I guess Gabriel was right when he said he wasn't like the books said he was. He bends down slightly moving his lips closer to mine my heart races as I try to fight to move but my body won't act, his lips press gently against mine my heart races faster feeling as if it's going to explode then I feel the same cold now enter my body freezing me from the inside out his lips moving gently against mine as he presses his body against mine then I'm overwhelmed with a sudden euphoria, I feel like I'm falling, oh no.

His hands move slowly down my back before gripping my butt lifting me effortlessly and placing me on the counter before his mouth moves from my lips to my neck the cold now comforting me making place my hands on his back then running them up through his hair the euphoria completely enveloping me making me forget everything else the only thing I can focus on are his soft lips against my skin. "Michael, this is very unbecoming of you." a voice says breaking us from our passion Michael cuts his eyes to look at the person as he gently bites my neck making me jerk back "and you would be?" Michael asks as he slowly pulls back I look to see Gazriel and Gabriel standing side-by-side "I suppose it has been awhile." Gazriel chuckles before taking a few steps forward, I stare at Gabriel who stands looking down at the floor "yes it has been I'm afraid so please refresh my memory." Michael says calmly Gazriel laughs "brother you wound me. I was so hoping you'd remember I'm Gazriel." he says with a smile "Gazriel? But you," Michael says before stopping suddenly "why are you here?" he asks quickly "you know why brother. You aren't well you need to come with me please." Gazriel says before taking a few more steps "No! I'm fine. This is who I am now! Lucifer showed me!" Michael shouts his voice accompanied by a low rumble shaking the house "No brother this isn't you. You would never do something like this." Gazriel says in a soft voice "she needs me! I'm the one and you know it!" Michael shouts the house shaking once again "calm down brother please. You're frightening her." Gazriel says motioning to me, Michael's eyes move to me. I can only sit staring down at him on terror, he takes a few steps back when he notices my expression "oh god no. I'm sorry." he mutters looking broken "I didn't mean to, please don't fear me." he says softly before reaching his hand to touch my face I move away from him afraid now of what he might do should Gazriel upset him further "see Michael. Please just let me heal you." Gazriel says walking the last few feet to him "No! I'm not broken!" Michael shouts stepping back then quickly disappears "well darn it." Gazriel sighs "I'll be back later. Please don't hesitate to call if he comes back." Gazriel says as he looks over at me then quickly looks away "please hide your shame young lady." he adds making me look down to see my shirt up reveling my chest I quickly pull my shirt down and feel myself begin blush Gazriel clears his throat before quickly disappearing.

I sit a moment dumbfounded at what just happened then remember Gabriel. I look over to see him staring at me with a pained expression "Gabriel, I-I," I mutter feeling tears fill my eyes, he quickly appears infront of me and wraps his arms around me hugging tightly "I'm sorry." I choke the tears falling to his shoulder "it isn't your fault." he says softly "yes it is." I mutter making him pull back he looks me in the eyes "No it isn't." Gabriel says with a serious tone "you don't understand Gabriel. I wanted it." I sob before dropping my head into my hands. I hear Gabriel take a few steps back "you wanted it?" he asks with a sound of hesitation, I can't look him in the face, how do I tell him all I've been feeling lately and that Michael was only picking up on what I've wanted the worst part of all this is it felt so good I'm actually upset they stopped him. I sob harder feeling so guilty "I'm sorry Gabriel I just can't." I say before quickly hopping down and pushing past him.

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