the dark coven pt.11

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We pull up to an old Victorian style house "hey I know this place." I say as I study it "really? You been here before?" Sam asks "ya actually I have, this is Mary's house." I say before looking over at him, he gives me a worried look then quickly gets out. I slowly follow behind him as he eases his way up the steps "Sam hey, maybe we should try the back." I suggest in a hushed tone, he only waves his hand at me to be quite, I roll my eyes before sneeking off to the back door. I peek in the window and see nothing but a fairly empty kitchen, I jiggle the doorknob and to my surprise it turns with a what I feel is loud click, the door creeks open as I slowly step in my eyes moving all over in fear of being caught.

I make my way towards a door and open it only seeing a pantry, I slowly move forward and come across another door in the hall I open it and see a coat closet before I turn to see another door behind me down a narrow hall, I peek in the door and see a staircase leading down, maybe I should go back and get Sam, my heart pounds in fear before I move to turn but I immediately run into someone, I try to scream but a hand holds it in "shh, it's me." Sam's voice whispers giving me a huge wave of relief as I look up at his face "oh I thought I was done for," I chuckle awkwardly "don't wonder off ok, we need to stay together." he says before moving past me "stay close ok." he adds as draws his gun and walks down the steps.

We step down into a dimly lit room "Sam, I don't see your brother." I whisper scanning the room "he's here, I know it we just need to look." Sam says walking further into the basement. I walk parallel to him, I don't see anything, there isn't anywhere to hide in here either, I kneel down when I see scrape marks in the dirt "Sam!" I shout in a whisper, he quickly walks over, I point down "looks like something we'd be interested in right?" I question, he gives me a nod then press on the wall "I think there is another room behind here." he says before pulling at it "Sam I don't think that'll work," I say crossing my arms "there may be a spell to open it." I add, Sam stops and turns to face me "well can you open it?" he asks "No I don't know the spell sam." I say with a sigh "I could try to force it but it'll take awhile." I say as I feel the wall, definitely magic, I can feel it pulsing through the wall.

I try to concentrate on the wall but Sam's constant pacing distracts me ''Sam could you sit still please, I need quiet." I say trying to not sound like an ass, he sighs "how much longer?" he asks "I don't know, I told you it depends on the spell." I say "ok, well I'll go look around and see if I can't find anything to move this along faster." he says as he quickly walks up the steps. a few moments pass before I feel that magical click like a lock popping open, the door slides open and I look in to see the ritual room a horrible place, dark and cold. I step in and see a wooden door off to my right, I rush over and pop the lock then swing the door open to see Dean bound in chains, he looks up and rolls his eyes "now is that anyway to act with the person who just saved your life?" I ask with a laugh as I undo his chains "where's sam?" he asks after removing the cloth from his mouth "upstairs, why?" I ask as he storms out the door, I follow a little more afraid now "what's wrong Dean?" I ask again following him up the steps "these freaks summoned something, I don't know what but it's bad and it isn't like a normal demon." Dean says as he looks around then quickly walks towards the living area "so do you know what it is? did your hear anything about it?" I ask feeling my pulse race quicker, surely not, surely after Dylan they wouldn't try again, "I don't know! I only caught a glimpse of him," Dean says as he frantically searches for Sam "Dean I need to know more! tell me you heard something else!?" I shout as I grab his arm forcefully. He turns narrowing his eyes at me "why don't you tell me what you know." he says in a low tone.

We locate Sam upstairs and quickly exit the house, I can't help but think of what Dean had said, he can't be loose again, I bound him myself. I look from the window to the front and notice Dean looking at me in the rearview "so you gonna tell us what you know?" he asks before breaking his eye contact to look back at the road. My stomach sinks a little "I don't think I've ever really told anyone about my past." I mutter before looking back out the window "I come from a long line of witches, white witches, every kid has a rebellious streak right," I say feeling the guilt come flooding back from that night. (Flash Back) Two years ago, "come on Heather is waiting, we have everything we need." Mary pulls my arm "I'm coming, I'm just waiting on Dylan. Go in without us he should be here soon." I say, she let's my arm go and runs off inside, I don't know if it's a good idea to involve Dylon, my stomach turns with nervousness. "hey sis!" Dylan shouts, I look over to see him entering the gate to my right "Hey D," I smile before walking over to him, I give him a great big hug "you sure you wanna do this? Mom and Dad will be pissed if they find out." I say pulling back "then they won't find out. I need something new ya know, I've always wanted to try a summoning spell." he says with a excited laugh "well this isn't a normal summon, you know that right?" I ask "ya I know, but life isn't fun without a little risk." he smiles before walking around me, I should have stopped him, I should've grabbed his hand and ran far and fast, but I was stupid. (present) "so you were going to summon what exactly?" Sam asks turning his head to look at me. I run my sleeve across my eyes soaking up the tears "a demon," I say trying to compose myself "so just a demon? I don't buy that. what was it?" Dean asks "one of the first cast out of heaven." I say "what do you mean? Like a Knight of hell?" Dean asks again before pulling the car over "A knight of hell? oh, well I suppose you could call them that. though they don't take kindly to that title." I answer looking between them " what do you mean?" Sam asks narrowing his eyes, I shake my head "well you have the ones who were trained by cain, then you have the others who refused, I guess even corrupted angels have standards." I say with a huff, Dean rolls his eyes "so who was it? abaddon?" he asks with a sigh "no," I say moving my eyes down to the floor "well?" Dean's voice says sounding a little more irritated but I couldn't bring myself to say that name again.

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