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Andras paces around the tomb the figures chanting in a low slow rhythmic tone, mother fucker knew I'd be alone, he planned this. I watch him continue circling me like a shark "so you knew all along?" I ask finally gaining my voice back "yes, the Winchesters aren't very subtle and I know you. You want me in more ways than you think." he says as he stops beside me again "you know you miss him. And this form gives you hope he's still in here but he isn't he's burning in the pit as we speak." he says softly stroking my hair "you sick son of a bitch! I'll make sure you suffer before I rip your fucking heart out!" I shout before spitting in his face "now is that any way to treat family?" he says before using his sleeve to remove the spit "fuck you! You are not my family." I whimper my voice cracking, I can't look at him his face hurts me so much. I close my eyes feeling defeated and helpless "you aren’t very nice." Gabriel's voice says making the chanting stop suddenly "angel," Andras growls before turning to face him "peculiar, Mary assured me her spell would prevent you from meddling." he adds narrowing his eyes at him "ya well us angels are just full if surprises huh?" Gabriel says taking a more serious tone "now let her go before I get really mad." Gabriel adds his eyes locked on Andras with an intense hatred, I'd never seen him look that way he's like another person entirely.  Andras laughs a little "cute," he says returning Gabriel's hate filled stare "but you don't scare me little angel it's best you leave before you get hurt." Andras growls suddenly flames surround him his eyes gleaming black with a touch of red "now that's cute." Gabriel smirks before a bright gold light engulfs him making me shut my eyes a low rumble shakes the area dust and small rock hits my face from the stone ceiling above making me recoil back straining my wrists again the rope. A high pitched ring makes my ears ache then I barely hear the sound of Andras voice through the intense noise "you, it can't be"

The sound stops along with the earthquake and I open my eyes to see Gabriel standing with that same ice cold star then I look to Andras who is now gone "guess he didn't want to play." Gabriel chuckles taking on his happy go-lucky tone again. He snaps immediately freeing me I quickly sit up an look around the tomb "where'd he go?" I ask as my eyes stop back on Gabriel now standing infront if me "I don't know but it'll take em awhile to get this all together again." he says helping me down "Gabriel, I've never seen anything like that before. It was amazing." I say remembering the event just moments ago "ah, it was nothing really." he says with a laugh "No it was awesome!" I shouted excitedly as I hug him quickly "you saved me thank you so much" I say my voice dropping to a whisper as I feel his warmth, it makes me feel so, protected and safe. We hug each other tightly a moment before I quickly pull back, I can't, remember stop letting yourself fall. "thanks Gabriel you're amazing." I say again as he studies me "once again it was nothing. We should get back to the others though." he says before clearing his throat I nod as he hands me my bag.

"so what'd we miss?" Gabriel asks looking at the bodies laying infront of Dean "great timing Gabriel" Dean mutters trying to catch his breath "I know right. So looks like you had a part here, so did we." Gabriel says stepping over one of the bodies "did you get him?" Dean asks quickly putting the knife in his hand away "not exactly but we will don't worry." Gabriel say as Sam runs over to us "hey, what'd I miss?" he asks looking around "you and him I swear." Dean groans "well everyone is here so where's your little boy toy Castiel?" Gabriel asks looking around "I don't know I thought he was with you." Dean says looking over at Sam "No I haven't seen him." Sam says " damn it. Cas!? Cas get your ass over here!" Dean shouts before looking around. We stand a few more minutes with Dean shouting profanity but nothing "I'll go look for the little guy, don't worry your pretty little head Deano I'll find him." Gabriel says before vanishing. I explain what happened to Sam and Dean before we decide to head back to their motel room. Dean paces the room call Castiel's phone "come on Cas damn it pick up." he mutters under his breath as I step out of the bathroom. I look between Dean and Sam both looking very worried "I'm sure Gabriel will find him if he hasn't already." I say softly trying desperately to no sound worried "I should go look at the cemetery." Dean says grabbing his jacket "Dean, just sit down, Gabriel will let us know when he finds something." Sam says with a sigh "I can't just sit here Sam! What if Cas is in trouble?" Dean snaps throwing his jacket on the bed "I know Dean! But acting like a mad man won't help." Sam snaps back "you know what forget it I'll go look. Just stay here incase Gabriel brings him back." Sam adds be quickly walking out the door in a huff.

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