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I sit in the chair across from Gabriel as I browse the social media and the Internet in general occasionally looking over at him with the bit of drool coming from his mouth. He's so cute I can barely handle it I smile as he moves around making little grunting noises. I didn't even know angels slept. "so what I'll take you all on." Gabriel says softly in his sleep. Oh my gosh he's sleep talking. Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter. I snicker placing my hands over my mouth as I watch him squirm and say a few more things I can barely understand. I sit about an hour or so longer before I can barely keep my eyes open so I close my laptop and get up grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and cover him before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. I keep thinking of Gabriel and his drunkin speech about how he never ment to hurt me maybe I was to quick to go with Gazriel I should've atlest heard Gabriel out. I turn and to my surprise I see Gabriel standing a few feet away from me "oh shit Gabriel what the hell, I'm changing." I snap quickly pulling my shirt on "sorry but I still don't feel well. Can I sleep in here with you?" he asks rubbing his eyes "ah, y-ya sure I guess so." I say hesitantly as I pull the covers back and slide into bed. Gabriel plops down face first onto the bed "this is so Comfortable." he groans his voice slightly muffled by the pillow "I'm glad you like my bed." I smile grabbing my phone. He snaps his fingers and I look over to see him in boxers as he slides under the covers "thank you for letting me sleep with you. Wow that came out weird." he says as he lays on his side staring at me I let out a small laugh "You're welcome. besides I feel a little safer with you closer." I smile before looking back at my phone "so do you really forgive me?" he asks "yes Gabriel I do. You know I was actually thinking about that and I really should apologize more I should've atlest let you explain yourself before taking off like I did." I say glancing over at him "No. I should've told you everything but I never wanted you to be possessed or get hurt I promise that much is true." he says as he covers his shoulder with the blanket "I know and I should've known that then so I'm sorry." I say he smiles before closing his eyes and after a moment my eyes become heavy.

I wake up and immediately notice Gabriel's back pressed against mine "sorry I'm so close. This helped me relax a little." he says before scooting away "it's ok I don't mind." I say hoping he'd scooting back. He moves back and I smile at his warmth "did you sleep well?" I ask "I don't sleep. But I was happy to be here for you." he says "what'd you do all night?" I ask "I read a book and watched some TV." he answers I look over at the TV showing morning cartoons. "well I'm glad you're comfortable." I say staring at the wall. I wonder why he's still here, I feel his slow steady breaths against my back, even if this isn't romantic it still gives me an overwhelming sense of comfort and love I can feel that he truly cares for me. Gabriel moves slightly shaking me from thought, I'm getting to emotionally attached again I'm sure this won't last long he'll move on and I'll be on my own again. I sit up and quickly go to the bathroom.

I wash my face and stare back at the reflection a moment before letting out a sigh, I suppose I never really got over him the way I thought I did I splash a few more hand fulls of water on my face before I walk out "hey." Gabriel mutters taking me by surprise. "oh hey." I say with a slight jump "sorry," he chuckles "I just wanted to explain." he adds running a hand through his hair "explain what?" I ask nervously as I quickly head down the stairs "well why I'm hanging around still." he answers as we walk into the kitchen "it's because of my brothers." he adds with a sigh "your brothers?" I say turning to glance at him "ya lucifer and Michael." he says before sitting at the table "I'm fairly sure they're loose now so I need to hide." he says "oh, I see." I say as I dump the coffee into the maker "so that's the only reason huh. Well I guess I can understand that." I say softly as I watch the coffee slowly drip into the pot "ya they're real dicks." he chuckles "well lucifer I get but Michael? Really?" I say turning to face him "ya really. He isn't all the books crack him up to be." he says with another chuckle. I raise an eyebrow at him but I'm quickly interrupted by my phone I look down to see Sam's name "ya what's up?" I ask as I put the phone to my ear "hey. I need a little help." Sam says before the line goes silent "well what can I help with?" I ask as I walk into the living room.

I listen to Sam's voice a few moments before I look over to see Gabriel poking his head around the door-frame I roll my eyes at him "ya I can do that." I mutter feeling a pit form in my stomach "Ok bye." I say before quickly hanging up "hey Gabe." I say looking back over at the door "ya?" he asks poking his head back out "have you seen Sam lately like in person?" I ask as I walk back into the kitchen "No why?" he asks "Because I don't think that was Sam." I mutter glancing down at my phone before looking back up at Gabriel who stares at me with a worried expression a moment before running his hand through his hair with a sigh "I could go see if he's ok if it'd make you feel better." he says quickly "do you know something?" I ask as I place my phone in my pocket "No." he answers quickly making me frown his answer wasn't very convincing but I suppose I shouldn't push it to much. "alright well we can figure it out later, I have to get going I'm meeting a client." I say as I pick up my bag "a client? You're gonna work?" he asks with a snort "not a normal client, hey maybe you could help me wanna come?" I ask "sure? I guess if I can help why not." he chuckles as he follows me out the front door.

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